Friday, November 19, 2010

~*!Stay Warm!*~

Hopefully you are all staying warm and have found the mittens/ scarves/ hats from last year! 
Your student has brought something VERY important home today: Their report cards!  The students have worked very hard and truly have a lot to be proud of this reporting period.  I’ve asked students to not open them until the get home, and to make sure they share them with their parents.  I’ve also asked that they take the time to discuss with you, and to KNOW: What am I doing really well?  What should I continue to do?  What do I need to improve on? 
Sometimes it also helps to write down any questions that you have along the way that you can bring to Parent / Teacher interviews.
...speaking of parent teacher interviews.....
In past interviews, I have found that no matter how hard we try, we seem to sometimes get behind in scheduling.  With the interviews being booked in 20 minute blocks, and with Thursdays interviewing schedule being so busy I would like to open up next week’s afterschool hours to anyone who would like to come in and interview then.
If you are happy with your interview time on either the 25th or 26th, by all means keep it!
If you would rather come on either the 22nd, 23rd, or 24th after school, we can very easily schedule you in.  I just want this to be an easy process for you.  If you feel like this is the better option, please email me and we can set up a date and time. 
November 24th- Hot lunch!
December 3rd- Last day to bring in stuff for Piper!!!  (Our class’ rescue dog!)
December 13th-17th- Christmas carolling in the gym 8:30-8:50 am
December 14th- Spirit Assembly @8:30 Dress like Christmas!  As well as: Gingerbread decorating party 1:00-2:15- VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! More details to follow. 
December 16th- Skating 2:15-3:30 at Nicholas Sheran * DRIVERS NEEDED, more details to follow
December 17th- Last day of classes for 2010 (WOW!) Class party at 10:15!
THANK YOU to those people who have brought in shoe boxes!  Remember, each student needs one regular sized shoe box for a Christmas craft that we will be starting VERY SHORTLY!!  If you have more than one shoe box at home, PLEASE bring it in for another student as I know these can be hard to come by!!
A HUGE thank you to those parents who have donated the different craft supplies! We will continue to collect these for the next few weeks, and I promise that you’ll get something creative and beautiful in return J
The supplies we are collecting are:
-scrap pieces of fabric
-green yarn
-OLD CHRISTMAS CARDS! (we only need the front side)
Hmmm...I think that’s all for now!  Its fireplace and hot chocolate time J  Enjoy your weekends!!
-Anna Tsentouros

Monday, November 8, 2010

November News

Can you believe we’re already into the month of November? I felt a bit silly as I changed the calendar in the classroom and decorated it with mittens and snowflakes.  Little did I know we’d have BEAUTIFUL weather!  Although I suppose I shouldn’t speak too soon....
Since this is such a short week, we will not be having spelling homework or a test.  The students did PHENOMENAL on our Math test regarding Data Analysis, and this week we are kicking off our Patterning unit.  Also coming home soon are our Social Studies TIPI Books based on First Nations’ culture, and our Halloween books FINALLY went home! I hope you enjoyed reading your students writing! 
Just a quick reminder if you haven’t already done so, the Hot Lunch order forms are due on Wednesday.  Also, I hope you can make it to our Remembrance Day Assembly at 10:30 where all the Grade 2’s will be performing.  Students on Wednesday need to wear dark pants or jeans, and a white or red shirt.  They will also need to bring in a flashlight ASAP for practise. 
Also, we are in need of a few supplies in our classroom for some upcoming Christmas craft projects. 
Each student will need to bring in 1 shoebox, preferably a regular shoe size (not a children’s shoe box).
If you have any extra of the following supplies, that would be super helpful as well!
-scrap pieces of fabric
-green yarn
-OLD CHRISTMAS CARDS! (we only need the front side)
Any of those supplies can be brought in between now and December, and I promise they’ll be put to good use J
Parent/ Teacher interviews can now be booked online! A handout has already gone home, but the instructions are also posted on page 3 of the November newsletter.  Each month the newsletter is posted here:
Thank you for your awesome job with Home Reading and initialling your child’s agenda every night J 
-Anna Tsentouros