Thursday, February 16, 2012

Family Break!

Our crazy week is over! Thanks to all those parents who came out to visit and help for our 100th day of school! Can't believe it's been 100 days with these grade 2 peeps!

Here are some sites that have some neat games / activities if your student gets some computer time on the break:

Click here for a neat site with read aloud scholastic books. 
Username: elv
Password: bookflix

This website is GREAT for students who need practice with the 100 chart.  Click here!

Click here for some more fun Math games. 

I hope everyone has a  fantatsic Family Break! Enjoy your time with eachother!

Take care,
Anna Tsentouros

Friday, February 10, 2012

Busy week in February!

Hi everyone!
I just wanted to give a quick heads up so you're aware of all the activities we have planned for this week! Thank goodness my voice is back- it's going to be a busy one :)

Tuesday is Valentine's Day and we will celebrate in the afternoon with a Spirit Assembly at 12:45, as well as our classroom celebrations for the rest of the afternoon. Thanks in advance to those parents again who have signed up to bring treats: They are:
Fruit Tray- Zane
Veggie Tray with Dip- Rawley
Cheese, meat and crackers- Brooke. R.
Cookies, cupcakes or muffins- Elora Green
Juice boxes- Morgan
Plates and napkins- Aaron
Here is a class list if you are addressing valentine's for our classmates:

Brooke R.
Brooke T.

We're preparing for the 100th day of school in a number of ways!  One way is that we're thinking about Citizenship:

100 Day Citizenship:  The Grade 2 classes are trying to collect 100 toiletry items to donate to Harbour House at the YWCA.  Items may include small shampoo/conditioner, travel sized toothbrushes and toothpaste, deodorant, shower gel, hairspray, barrettes, soap, etc.  We are keeping a tally as the items come in.  Please send in your items by Friday Feb. 17 (100 Day).  A representative from Harbour House will be coming in and we will present them with these items.  Thanks for helping us support this important charity in our city.

Remember, there is no need to go out and BUY these items- If you have small items that are gathering space in your bathroom, (such as hotel shampoo/ conditioner) please consider donating them to the Harbour House!  Thanks for your help!

On Wednesdsay February 15th the students will be painting the tiles they created for Clay for Kids! 

Friday, February 17th will be our 100th Day of school.  Our students will be busy, busy, busy – engaged in fun learning activities in the gym most of the morning.  All of the activities will be centered around the number 100 and will support counting and math in different curriculum subjects.  Younger siblings are welcome to come to this fun event. 

Thanks to Jordin's Mom and Ainsley's Mom who are coming to help out on 100th day!

Thanks in advance to those parents again who have signed up for their student to bring treats for 100th day on Friday February 17th! If anyone would like to bring fruit or veggies on that Friday please let me know! 
They are:
Fruit Tray- Jordin
Veggie Tray with Dip- Spence
Cheese, meat and crackers- Byron
Cookies, cupcakes or muffins- Noor
Juice boxes- Sasha
Plates and napkins- Brooke T.

I think that covers this week! Thanks again!

-Anna Tsentouros

Thursday, February 2, 2012

February is about Kindness

Happy Friday!
Thanks for checking in! 
We’ve had a busy week in Grade 2B with our swimming on Thursday. Thanks to those parents who came out and drove our students as well as swam in the pool. It’s so nice to get out the school once and awhile and let the kids have fun! We made it back in one piece J
On Tuesday, we are having a Character Education Assembly hosted by the Grade 2s. What that means is, we’ll meet in the gym at 12:30, and sit with our MMH Family.  Then, we will go off with our families to do an activity related to Kindness, which is the theme for February.  Afterwards, we will meet back in the gym at 1:30, and the Grade 2s are going to demonstrate a way to show Kindness to the school. Our little performance will be inspired by the Johnny Reid song “Today I’m Gonna Try and Change the World”.  Click here to check out the song and lyrics on youtube. 

If you’re able to come out for our quick assembly on Tuesday, we will be in the gym for 1:30, and plan to finish up by 1:55 recess.  We’ve been listening to the Johnny Reid song and our 2s are pumped to show the school that we know all about Kindness. 

Speaking of Kindness...
Our class has participated in many health lessons with our Counselling team- Mrs. Kitagawa and Mrs. Savage.  They've been talking to the Grade 2s about friendship, and how to be a good friend.  Then, we've also been discussing what a compliment is, and when it's good to give a meaningful compliment.  We've been 'secretly' writing meaningful compliments to eachother, and will incorporate them into an art project.  If you have a compliment that you'd like to give your child, I'd LOVE to include it in the art as well. Please feel free to email me  1 quick sentence, complimenting your child!
We have started writing our Jan Brett Mitten stories!  Please take a look through the mini ‘Jan Brett’ package that will come home with your student on Monday.  Our class is pumped to write our own versions of Jan Brett’s “The Mitten”. 
One Math strategy that we’re trying to master is to memorize our “Double Facts” (2 +2= 4, 8 +8 = 16). You can help practice these at home! Once before bed, while you’re driving in the car, anytime really! 
Click here to check out the MMH Newsletter!
This is copied straight from the MMH Newsletter! Please read about our new Breakfast Program:
Mike Mountain Horse has begun its first breakfast club. This will run five days per week from 8:00 to 8:20 a.m. The intent of this program is to help out with students who have not, for whatever reason, had breakfast. Of course we are not prepared to feed 600 students, but for those who really need that energy boost to help them meet a day full of learning op-portunities in the classroom!
Can you help????
We’d appreciate any donations for this program, either in time or breakfast foods! Contact the office (403-381-2211) for more information. Some ideas:
Volunteer one or more mornings a week.
Donate items like: cereal, granola bars, juice boxes, jams, peanut butter, fruit, or any other “breakfast-type” food
Donate funds to MMH (cheques payable to “Mike Mountain Horse”

A few days added to our February Calendar:
Tuesday February 7th- Character Ed. Assembly & Family time
Wednesday February 8th- Winter Walk at 1:30
Wednesday February 8th- School Council Meeting at 6:30pm
Thursday February 9th- Arctic Day!
Friday February 10th- Staff Learning Day No school for students
February 13th-17th- Random Acts of Kindness Week
Tuesday February 14th-
Spirit Assembly- Dress in Red!
Tuesday Feburary 14th- Happy Valentine’s Day & Class party!
Wednesday February 15th- Steve Harmer’s Motivational Magic
Friday February 17th
- 100th DAY OF SCHOOL!!
February 20th- 24th- Family Break- No school
February 29th- Pink Shirt Day/ Anti-Bullying day