Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Hi everyone! Thanks for checking in! 
Well time is flying as we approach our last 3 days of school before the Christmas holidays!Thank you to all the families that were able to come to our Christmas Concert last Thursday!  It was super busy but a lot of fun! Thank you for your support in making it a special event!  
This is just a post to let you know about all the happenings for the next few days! 
Because of the busy week, there will be NO more agendas coming home and they will remain at the school over the break as well. 
Monday and Wednesday in the morning, we will be carolling in the gym at 8:30am.  If you’re around MMH from 8:30-9:00(ish), feel free to join us! On Tuesday and Thursday we will be carolling at 12:30!
 On Thursday we’re having Grinch Day!  The Grade 1s will be moving around to different themed centers in the morning.  Students are invited to dress in green, or as a “Who” from “Who-Ville”.   
On Friday the entire school is going to “Dress Like Christmas”.
We’re also having our Class Party Friday morning!  Thanks to those parents who’ve signed up to bring treats that day!  
So there you have it! Our last week for 2015:
Monday December 14th- Carolling @ 8:30
Tuesday December 15th- Carolling @ 12:30
Wednesday December 16th- Carolling @8:30
Thursday December 17th Carolling @ 12:30-Grinch Day! Wear Green!
Friday December 18st-Carolling @ 8:30- Last Day for 2015! "Dress Like Christmas!"
Monday January 4th- Classes Resume
In case I don’t see you before the holidays…
Thank you for such a fantastic first four months of Grade 1! I have so enjoyed getting to know all of you and your amazing children!  Have a wonderful and Merry Christmas! Enjoy your time with your families!!