Friday, December 17, 2010


I just wanted to wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas holiday!  I can’t believe it’s finally here!!  We had a ton of fun today with carolling in the morning, our Reindeer Food scavenger hunt, as well as our party with all the delicious treats :)
A HUGE THANK YOU to those who brought in treats/ gifts to share.  Grade 2E had a blast this morning, especially when our letters from Santa FINALLY arrived!!  You could tell the spirit of Christmas was in the air.
I hope you enjoy the next two weeks you get to spend with your families. I know many of you are travelling so please travel safely.  I am on my way to Ontario to spend Christmas with my family (in approximately 4 hours!!) but will be checking my email if you need to get a hold of me.
I also wanted to say thank you for all the cards and gifts!!  It seems as if though the students know me and my love for coffee, tea, chocolate and STARBUCKS very well! J I also appreciate all the unique homemade gifts!!  And I promise to share all the treats with friends and family.  I feel SO spoiled to have such a great group of kids and families.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
See you on January 4th!

Friday, December 10, 2010

~"LeT iT SnOw, LeT iT SnOw, LeT iT SnOw "~

I just wanted to share a picture of our gym class on Thursday, as we got to enjoy a beautiful walk in snowshoes! For many of the students, it was the first time they had used snowshoes and they did FANTASTIC!!  Let’s hope that the snow keeps coming down so we can get out there once more before the holidays. 
In computers, we have been enjoying a number of websites that are Christmas related.  I have put up a link on the side if you wish to visit these sites at home!  Some include Gingerbread men decorating,  and a reindeer orchestra! 
Another personal favourite of mine can be used to practise kids’ spelling words. is a fantastic website where they can enter in their spelling words for the week, and play games using the words.  Check them out on the side of this page!
We have enough drivers for our skating party on Thursday December 16th! Thank you to those who were able to volunteer!  Drivers, if you could please arrive at the school at 1:45 that would be great!  We will leave the rink at approx.  3:15 in time to be back for dismissal at 3:30.  Please have your students bring the equipment to school that day, along with any extra equipment that you have signed up to share.  Remember adults, if you are skating you also need a hockey helmet as well. 
Every day this week in the morning there will be Christmas Carolling in the gym.  If you have time in the morning, please join us from 8:30 – 8:50am.  On Monday morning our junior choir will be performing and I can’t wait to hear their beautiful voices!
There is something exciting going on everyday this week so please be aware by checking the blog for dates and times, as well as your child’s agenda. 
15 more days ‘til Christmas!!!
Reminder Dates for December:
December 13th – 17th-Christmas carolling every morning in the gym from 8:30- 8:50.  Come join!
Monday December 13th Piper comes to visit!!  Thank you SO much for all of your donations.  The kids are SO pumped!
Tuesday December 14thAssembly at 8:30am/ Dress like Christmas Day
School wide Christmas movie showing from 1:00- 2:15 The Polar Express

Wednesday December 15thGingerbread Decorating Party from 1:00- 2:15
Thursday December 16thGrade 2 Skating at Nicholas Sheran from 2:15-3:15 (leave school at 1:50pm)
Friday December 17thChristmas Party from 10:15- 11:45.  Last Day of Classes
Tuesday January 4thBack to School for 2011!!

Snack Volunteers for Christmas Party (December 17):
Fruit Plate - Emma
Veggies and Dip - Carter
Cheese, Meat, and Crackers- Jaydon
Cookies, Cupcakes, or Muffins- Hunter
Juice boxes (~ 21) - Camryn
Plates and Napkins- Ava

Saturday, December 4, 2010

*~December - Omahkatoyiiki’sommiaato’s nan (Big Holy Moon month) in Blackfoot!~*

I just wanted to start by saying thank you for making the first round of parent teacher interviews a success!  I can’t believe the first reporting period is over.  Our Grade 2E class has come along way since the second week of September and it has been really fantastic watching their development these past 3 months.  They’ve really come together as a group and it’s really something to watch the friendships being made. 
There are officially 10 more days left of school for 2010 which is just absolutely insane!!  The last week of school will be exceptionally busy, and we have TONS going on!  If you have not submitted your tobogganing form, please do so ASAP! Remember, parents must print and sign, the student must print and sign, and a witness who is NOT related to the student must also sign (3 times).  Thank you for your patience with this form!  I know it seems like a lot to ask, especially for just tobogganing across the street, but it’s a district regulation and it’s something that we need to strictly follow.  More to come when we actually pick a day to go- it will most likely be for a little bit at the end of a day. 
Also, if you haven’t already, please return the blue sheet regarding our Gingerbread decorating party.  Remember, the house must come PRE-ASSEMBLED which will save us a ton of time in the classroom!  Let’s see how well our Grade 2ers do with restraining themselves from EATING the houses...
Lots of our school work will be coming home in the next few days as we prepare to clean out the classroom for the holidays.  Please take some time to go through your child’s work with them!  Some things to look out for are: our Tipi Books and Early Lethbridge books, our Math Data Analysis unit, our Liquids unit in Science, and other work. 
Mike Mountain Horse will be involved in a One School, One Book project this year.  OSOB started as a pilot project two years ago, and the idea is that the entire school from K to 5, for 1 entire month, reads the same book with their families and then participates in school wide projects during that month.  Originally, the OSOB for 2011 was set for a January start date, but it has been recently decided that the start date will now be January 27th.  During the OSOB project, Home Reading will not be sent home as students are expected to participate in the OSOB project.  Until then, for the remaining 2 weeks and the first 3 weeks in January, we will continue with our Home Reading program from the classroom.  Please continue with initialling students’ Home Reading Log books, as this greatly assists the parents who come in to do the exchange.  Thank you thank you thank you!!
We are still in need of at least 3 more drivers for our Skating Party on December 16th to bring us there and back.  This is from 2:00- 3:30. Students will need to have skates and a proper helmet to be on the ice.  If your child does not have skates, perhaps they could borrow from a similar sized buddy for the day or check out second hand sporting good stores.  Bike helmets are not allowed on the ice.  We have a blast out there! Please come and join us! 
Reminder Dates for December:
December 6th – 13th-Annual Sock it To ‘Em program!  Bring in a new pair of socks for those in need! Thanks to those who have already donated. 
 December 13th – 17th-Christmas Carolling every morning in the gym from 8:30- 8:50.  Come join!
Monday December 13th Piper comes to visit!!  Thank you SO much for all of your donations.  The kids are SO pumped!
Tuesday December 14thAssembly at 8:30am/ Dress like Christmas Day
School wide Christmas movie showing from 1:00- 2:15 The Polar Express
Wednesday December 15thGingerbread Decorating Party from 1:00- 2:15
Thursday December 16thGrade 2 Skating at Nicholas Sheran from 2:15-3:15
Friday December 17thChristmas Party from 10:15- 11:45.  Last Day of Classes
Tuesday January 4thBack to School for 2011!!
Spirit Assembly at 8:30am

And last but not least, thank you to those people who have signed up to bring snacks for our Christmas party:
Snack Volunteers for Christmas Party (December 17):
Fruit Plate - Emma
Veggies and Dip - Carter
Cheese, Meat, and Crackers- Jaydon
Cookies, Cupcakes, or Muffins- Hunter
Juice boxes (~ 21) - Camryn
Plates and Napkins- Ava

Side Note for parents with Little Ones: 
Tuesday January 4, 2011 will be the first day of registration for the Kindergarten and Preschool programs for the school year starting in the fall of 2011. See the office for more details!

I have to say, this time of year it feels as though we ask a lot from you.  Whether it’s for Piper, Sock it To Em, Christmas Crafts, volunteering, etc.  I just wanted to say thank you once more- It truly makes the world of a difference!  Thank you for being such an amazing group of parents! 

That’s all for now!  21 more days ‘til Christmas!!

-Anna Tsentouros

Friday, November 19, 2010

~*!Stay Warm!*~

Hopefully you are all staying warm and have found the mittens/ scarves/ hats from last year! 
Your student has brought something VERY important home today: Their report cards!  The students have worked very hard and truly have a lot to be proud of this reporting period.  I’ve asked students to not open them until the get home, and to make sure they share them with their parents.  I’ve also asked that they take the time to discuss with you, and to KNOW: What am I doing really well?  What should I continue to do?  What do I need to improve on? 
Sometimes it also helps to write down any questions that you have along the way that you can bring to Parent / Teacher interviews.
...speaking of parent teacher interviews.....
In past interviews, I have found that no matter how hard we try, we seem to sometimes get behind in scheduling.  With the interviews being booked in 20 minute blocks, and with Thursdays interviewing schedule being so busy I would like to open up next week’s afterschool hours to anyone who would like to come in and interview then.
If you are happy with your interview time on either the 25th or 26th, by all means keep it!
If you would rather come on either the 22nd, 23rd, or 24th after school, we can very easily schedule you in.  I just want this to be an easy process for you.  If you feel like this is the better option, please email me and we can set up a date and time. 
November 24th- Hot lunch!
December 3rd- Last day to bring in stuff for Piper!!!  (Our class’ rescue dog!)
December 13th-17th- Christmas carolling in the gym 8:30-8:50 am
December 14th- Spirit Assembly @8:30 Dress like Christmas!  As well as: Gingerbread decorating party 1:00-2:15- VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! More details to follow. 
December 16th- Skating 2:15-3:30 at Nicholas Sheran * DRIVERS NEEDED, more details to follow
December 17th- Last day of classes for 2010 (WOW!) Class party at 10:15!
THANK YOU to those people who have brought in shoe boxes!  Remember, each student needs one regular sized shoe box for a Christmas craft that we will be starting VERY SHORTLY!!  If you have more than one shoe box at home, PLEASE bring it in for another student as I know these can be hard to come by!!
A HUGE thank you to those parents who have donated the different craft supplies! We will continue to collect these for the next few weeks, and I promise that you’ll get something creative and beautiful in return J
The supplies we are collecting are:
-scrap pieces of fabric
-green yarn
-OLD CHRISTMAS CARDS! (we only need the front side)
Hmmm...I think that’s all for now!  Its fireplace and hot chocolate time J  Enjoy your weekends!!
-Anna Tsentouros

Monday, November 8, 2010

November News

Can you believe we’re already into the month of November? I felt a bit silly as I changed the calendar in the classroom and decorated it with mittens and snowflakes.  Little did I know we’d have BEAUTIFUL weather!  Although I suppose I shouldn’t speak too soon....
Since this is such a short week, we will not be having spelling homework or a test.  The students did PHENOMENAL on our Math test regarding Data Analysis, and this week we are kicking off our Patterning unit.  Also coming home soon are our Social Studies TIPI Books based on First Nations’ culture, and our Halloween books FINALLY went home! I hope you enjoyed reading your students writing! 
Just a quick reminder if you haven’t already done so, the Hot Lunch order forms are due on Wednesday.  Also, I hope you can make it to our Remembrance Day Assembly at 10:30 where all the Grade 2’s will be performing.  Students on Wednesday need to wear dark pants or jeans, and a white or red shirt.  They will also need to bring in a flashlight ASAP for practise. 
Also, we are in need of a few supplies in our classroom for some upcoming Christmas craft projects. 
Each student will need to bring in 1 shoebox, preferably a regular shoe size (not a children’s shoe box).
If you have any extra of the following supplies, that would be super helpful as well!
-scrap pieces of fabric
-green yarn
-OLD CHRISTMAS CARDS! (we only need the front side)
Any of those supplies can be brought in between now and December, and I promise they’ll be put to good use J
Parent/ Teacher interviews can now be booked online! A handout has already gone home, but the instructions are also posted on page 3 of the November newsletter.  Each month the newsletter is posted here:
Thank you for your awesome job with Home Reading and initialling your child’s agenda every night J 
-Anna Tsentouros

Friday, October 29, 2010

*~*tHiS iS hAlLoWeEn*~*

Hi there!
Thanks for checking the blog!  We had an AWESOME day in Room 10 as we kicked off the Halloween weekend with some fun filled activities!  I wish you all a safe and happy weekend as you treat (not trick!) your neighbourhood on Sunday.  Hopefully the children will not be too sleepy on Monday morning!  The Grade 2 team have decided to ask that parents PLEASE limit the amount of candy that comes for recess snack.  Particularly for the morning recess break- it’s probably no surprise that sweets don’t sustain our brains until lunch time.  Please encourage your Grade 2E-er to bring 1 treat with a healthy option.  I will be reminding them about healthy choices, and will reward them when they make those smart choices.  Thanks for your help here!!
A HUGE thank you goes out to those parents who have volunteered with driving to our Crossings Branch Library field trip, AND those who provided sweets for today’s celebrations! Thank you to Jen Zgurski, Rhonda Steed, Sarah Pietras, Marnie Rogstad, Cindy Goldhawk and Amber Toone for driving and to Cynthia Allum, Louise Lindley, Rhonda Steed, Marnie Rogstad, Leslie Wensmann, Heather Hall, and Sarah Peters for providing yummy treats and supplies!
You may have noticed that there is a Home Reading help sheet that went home today.  Please read these helpful hints over and keep them in mind when your student does their home reading.  Also, please watch for a study guide to come home next week for their Math Data Analysis test, as well as their Halloween Books! We need a little bit more time with the writing, but I am sure proud of what we have been able to accomplish so far. 
Have a safe and spooky Halloween weekend!
-Anna Tsentouros

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Happy Autumn!!

Hello Grade 2E Families!
I hope you are enjoying your long weekend with your families and the fabulous weather!  The MMH staff enjoyed our two days of Professional Development and we are busy working with some new ideas for the classroom! 
I just wanted to send out a gentle reminder that the Grade 2 students need to bring in a pumpkin for Monday October 25th.  These pumpkins will be used all week for a math activity, and then will be sent home on either Wednesday the 27th or Thursday the 28th, just in time for you to carve them at home for the Halloween weekend!
I’m pleased that the Home Reading program has been off to a great start, and am hoping you are enjoying that one on one time with your Grade 2E student at home.  Please remember to fill in the Home Reading Log Book (in the ziplock bag) and initial every day for when you read.  The Comments section isn’t necessary every time, but if you have any information you’d like to pass along please do so.  Also, PLEASE do not forget to initial your child’s agenda every day!! Thank you for your help with this. 
We are busy in Room 10 wrapping up a few units including our Early Lethbridge First Nations study, and our Data Analysis Unit.  Please watch for a study guide to come home regarding our Math Unit, and help your student study for their unit test. 
I am super proud of our Grade 2ers as they have been working SO HARD at special Halloween Writing activity for the past few weeks.  This is the first major writing project in Grade 2 and we spend a lot of time going over techniques of what makes a fantastic writer.  Their Halloween books will go home on Friday October 29th.  Please make sure you go through their work and have them share with you what they have been doing, as this project is a large part of their Writing mark for their first reporting period.
I think that’s it for now!  Enjoy your beautiful autumn weekend!
-Anna Tsentouros
October 26th- Life Touch Picture Retakes
October 27th- Crossings Branch Field Trip 1-2pm
October 28th- Spelling Test
October 29th- Halloween Parade/ Party
November 2nd- Spirit Assembly @ 8:30am
November 10th- Remembrance Day Assembly @10:30
November 11th-12th- No School- Remembrance Day & Fall Break
November 19th- Report Cards sent home
November 23th- Spirit Assembly @ 12:45
November 24th- Hot Lunch
November 25th-26th- No School- Parent/ Teacher Interviews

Friday, October 15, 2010

MiDdLe oF OcToBeR aLrEaDy?!?!?!

Hello families!
Once again, huge thanks go out to our volunteers who came out and braved the cold weather on our Galt Gardens field trip: Louise Lindley, Emerice Shore, Sarah Pietras, Marnie Rogstad, Jen Zgurski, Rickele and Deb Knox.  We learned lots about Lethbridge’s history and some interesting facts about some buildings downtown.  I was SUPER impressed with how Grade 2E behaved themselves on our second field trip, as they did an amazing job on their treasure hunt.  Thank you to everyone who helped out! 
Since next week is such a short week, there will be no spelling/ homework assigned.  However, I will send home a list on Monday of the sight words we have covered so far, so that you can review these with your student. 
We are all set for parent drivers on our Crossings Branch Library tour for October 27th from 1-2pm, however, if there are any other volunteers who are wanting to attend PLEASE feel free to join us!  You are welcome to be a driver or to meet us there as well. 
If you weren’t happy with your student’s portrait package from Life Touch, please send the package back for retakes on October 26th.  Hopefully by then, our class photo will be reprinted and ready to go!! 
Another thing to keep in mind is to please send in a pumpkin with your child on October 25th.  We will be doing some Math activities and will compare/ measure our pumpkins.  Pumpkins will be sent home on either October 27th or 28th, just in time to be carved at home for the spooky holiday. 
I will send home a reminder for those parents who signed up for Halloween treats on October 29th.  Come check out our Halloween parade first thing in the morning!  Afterwards, we will be teaming up with the 4 other Grade 2 classes and doing different activities.  At 11:00, we will come back to Room 10 for treats and a movie.  Parents are welcome to attend any of the above activities!
I think that’s it for now!
-Anna Tsentouros
...POST SCRIPT- I’d like to point out that it’s SNOWING!!!! AND I bought my first Christmas decoration for the year.  AH!!! 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Hi folks!

If you have other students at MMH, you'll probably  notice that their class photos were taken and sent home today.  Ours were taken, printed, and then after carefully looking through I've discovered that they've printed THE WRONG ONE by accident!!

We had two photos taken since the first one we were missing a student- which is what caused the confusion!!

Anyway, to make a long story short, LifeTouch is printing the RIGHT class photo, and we should be recieving it in the next 10 business days.  With ALL the students in it.  Whef!!

-Anna Tsentouros 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday!!

Hello families!
First off, a huge thank you to Marnie Rogstad, Louise Lindley, Carey Martens, and Cynthia Allum who are our Home Reading parent helpers! 

Soup from a Stone- Fancy that!!
Trouble getting your Grade 2er to eat all their veggies?? All you have to do is make your own pot of STONE SOUP! I couldn't believe how fast these monkeys ate up our delicious concoction! Thank you for all those parents who bought and prepped vegetables.  Grade 2E did an amazing job in their performance, and a huge shout out goes to Ms. Nevels for working so hard with them. 
I still need two more parent volunteers for our October 15th field trip to the Galt Gardens (9:00am to 11:00), as well at least 3 more drivers for the Crossings Branch Library field trip on October 27th from 12:50 to 2:10.  If you are able to donate some of your time please me email me back asap and that would be wonderful! 
Remember, it is the Scholastic Book Fair on October 14th and 15th.  Parents are welcome to look at any time, and our class will be visiting the Fair on both the 14th and the 15th (after the field trip).  If you want your Grade 2er to purchase a specific book, just let me know in advance. 
Pumpkin Math:  Each student needs to bring in a pumpkin on Monday October 25.  We will measure and compare them for a Math project, and send them home in time for carving.
Halloween Party:  On Friday October 29 we will have a school wide costume party at 8:45.  Parents are welcome to walk the parade with us.  We will then join the grade 2s for Bingo and Crafts.  Our class party will be from 11:00-11:45.  Parents who have agreed to donate snack for our party will be notified in the child’s agenda.
*Remember, there is ONE MORE DAY to get your HOT LUNCH money in! It is due on Tuesday, October 12th
Thank you for all of your help with Fire Safety Prevention Week! We had an awesome guest speaker from the fire department come in and discuss other safety tips with our class.  Each student got to take home a fabulous book that included a CD filled with Fire Safety prevention tips. 
This month we will really dive into creative writing.  We will be working on using our “juicy words” as we learn to think like authors
Here's to another awesome week in Grade 2E!!
-Anna Tsentouros

Friday, October 1, 2010

October News!

Hello families!

You may have noticed your Grade 2er came home with a bunch of paperwork today! :)  One item was in regards to the Magazine Fundraiser- all of the information should be in the mini booklet, and if you need more order forms they can be picked up in the office. 

Another was a fire safety grid for a map of your home!  In our health curriculum, fire prevention and safety is an important subject.  We will be discussing “How to React to Fires” both at home and at school. 
I am asking each student to work on a fire prevention plan for your house.  Please use the grid paper to sketch a simple floor plan of your house.  Parents can help with this part in a significant way by talking through this process with your child.  Here are some things to consider:
·         Mark all POSSIBLE escape routes (doors, windows)
·         Discuss obstacles along the way
·         Test smoke alarms and check extinguisher expiration dates
·         Decide on a family meeting place
·         Talk about 911, how to use it, what to say and remaining calm
·         Review your home address, and how to find help with neighbours
·         Review STOP, DROP and ROLL as well as crawl under low smoke
·         Practise your escape route
Please return the finished floor plan/fire prevention map to school by Wednesday, October 6th
Thank you for your help with this!

Third line of business is....Stone Soup!
Stone Soup is a Ukrainian tale and we will be reading it in class next. With fall upon us, I thought it would be fun to utilize some of the vegetables from our local farmers by making a class pot of Stone Soup.

We will be making a large pot of soup in class on Thursday, October 7, 2010. Your child is coming home with a note explaining what vegetable they have signed up for.  If you could put your vegetable in a small ziplock bag that would be most helpful.  We will add each child’s contribution to the soup and create a wonderful and healthy stone soup.

It would be greatly appreciated if your child’s vegetable could be washed, sliced and ready to be “thrown” into the pot.

Each student will also need to bring their own BOWL and SPOON! 

Thanks for your support and I can’t wait to see the Stone Soup “concoction” we will come up with.

Along with making our Stone Soup on Thursday October 7th, the students will be having a SHORT MUSICAL PERFORMANCE for a Grade 1 class in the music room at 8:30am.  This is approx.  10-15 minutes long, and parents are invited to come and watch with the Grade 1 class. If you are attending this performance, please do not be late! 

Wishing you a great weekend :)

-Anna Tsentouros

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Sorry about the confusion! We are now going to the Galt Museum on Wednesday Septmeber 29th instead of the 30th.  The bus will be leaving the school at 9:00am, and we will be back by 11:15. 

If you wish to attend, please email me and let me know as parents are more than welcome to join us on the bus!!  Students will have regular lunch hours and therefore will not need to stay in the class for lunch. 

Thank you!

Anna Tsentouros

Last week of September already!?

Hello families of 2E!

I hope you had a fabulous weekend!  Things have been busy over here in Room 10 and they're only going to get busier!

We had our first spelling test on Friday and I'm so proud to say that the ENTIRE CLASS did very well! 10 new spelling words will go home on Monday, along with their new homework that is due on Thursday.  On Tuesday, please make sure to check agendas for the 5 new sight words.  You'll notice that the homework program doesn't include the 5 sight words in the activities.  It is up to you to practise the 5 sight works every week with your 2E'r.  Whether it's making flashcards, sentence writing, or oral repitition- whatever works for your child!
Homework is marked and sent home on Friday, that includes the mark they got on their spelling test.  I've written their mark out of 10 for their spelling words, and a mark out of 5 for their sight words.  That way, you know which group of words they're struggling with.  If you'd like to know specifically which words they are getting incorret, I can email you that as well.

We are almost finished with our reading comprehension tests to see exactly what level each student is on, and when that is finished HOME READING will be sent home. Every second week, students will bring home their journals to share a letter with you that they have written. Please make sure you write back to your Grade 2er, and that the journal gets returned to school the next day. The students absolutely love writing to people at home as it's like giving parents homework!  Thank you for your help here! 

Thank you to those parents who have signed up for Class Party Snacks! There are still a few spots left, so if you can't make it in ask your Grade 2er to sign you up for something and we'll make sure a note goes home. 

We're gearing up for our field trip this THURSDAY OCTOBER 30TH to the Galt! Remember, students will be eating lunch in the class that day as we leave promptly at 1230.  Please make sure they have a lunch packed and we will notifiy blast for those enrolled at lunch time. 

Thanks for checking the blog! 
-Anna Tsentouros


September 27th- Star Student Carter!!
*NEW* September 29th- Galt Museum field trip at 9:00
October 1st- Magazine Fundraiser Assembly
October 4th- Star Student Jaydon!!
October 5th- Spirit Assembly at 8:30am
October 6th- Scholastic Book Orders due
October 11th- Happy Thanksgiving! No School!
October 14th-15th- Scholastic Book Fair
October 15th- Galt Gardens Field Trip approx. 9am
October 18th- Star Student Ava!!
October 19th- Spirit Assembly at 12:45
October 20th- Hot lunch
October 21st-22nd- PD Day No School!
October 25th- Star Student Camryn!!
October 26th- Picture Retakes
October 29th- Halloween Parade/ Halloween Party

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

...and even MORE things to remember!


I've emailed a few parents who have checked off that they would like to be Field Trip helpers, as we have two field trips coming up, but I thought  I'd post the information just in case anyone else is able to attend.  Here is some information:

For both of these field trips, we will be taking a bus so volunteer drivers are not needed.  You are welcome to meet us at the school and catch the bus with us, or meet us at the locations as well.  If you have younger siblings they may come along for the trip, however, regulations state that they are not allowed on the bus (seems silly, I know)so if you’re bringing a little one, you can just meet us at the locations. 

1)      Thursday September 30th @ the Galt Museum.  The bus departs from MMH @12:30, and returns around 2-:230.  Students will be bringing a lunch to school that day, eating in our classroom, and then we will leave at 12:30 sharp. 

2)      Friday October 15th.  The times are still not confirmed, but it will most likely be somewhere between 9:00- 11:00.  This field trip weather pending because it is outside, as we will be getting a tour of the Galt Gardens with a history lesson about Lethbridge.

Both of these trips correspond with our social curriculum, in particular, “A Community in the Past”. 
Please respond via email if you’re interested in coming to one/ both of these trips!  THANK YOU to those parents who have already responded!

I will be contacting those parents who offered to be Home Reading Helpers later this week to set a schedule, but we are still short helpers for Tuesday, and Wednesday.  This is a 30 minute commitment, that can be done at almost any time of the day.  You would be sitting with students and reading with each one, along with helping them exchange their home reading book.  If you are interested in helping out please contact me asap!

During September, teachers at MMH usually try and contact the parents at least once to quickly discuss how things are going/ how their student has been settling in their new grade.  I'm looking forward to briefly speaking with you all, as I've been getting to know your little ones.  We have LOTS of personality in Grade 2E and I just know this is a fantastic start to a new year. 

Thank you very much!!

Anna Tsentouros

Monday, September 20, 2010

Things to Remember!

Hi everyone!

I hope you had a nice relaxing weekend! The students in Grade 2E have been busy getting down to business, and we have lots of exciting things coming up!

Please check out the MATH CHALLENGE QUESTION on the side.  Students are to write their answer on a peice of paper, and bring them into me before Friday.  You'll notice in today's agenda that their first SPELLING HOMEWORK has come home, and that there is a yellow sheet regarding Highlights Magazine subscription. 

This is an excellent resource to have at home for learning, and although some of the language can be a bit advanced for Grade 2, it's still got some fun activities for our 2Eers, and can be something you can read with your student. 

If you are not going to be purchasing a Highlights subscription, please check off NO and put your SIGNATURE, as the more responses we recieve, the more prizes our class can qualify for! 

The last thing I'd like to mention is that our Classroom Party List is posted on the outside of our door, and I'd like to ask that each family sign up for at least two items. Usually this is done at Meet the Teacher BBQ, so if you're unable to make it in, you could always ask your Grade 2er to sign you up for something, and I can make sure that a note goes home in the Agenda letting you know what you are to bring!

Don't worry, it's all easy stuff!!!  You won't be stuck with bringing homemade sushi or cheese fondue!! 

Thanks and have a great week!

-Miss Tsentouros

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hello and welcome to our Classroom Blog!

It is my hope that this will be an interactive space where families can check out the happenings in Grade 2E.  Here you will find important events, due dates and different celebrations of learning. 
Initial topics of study for the start of Grade 2! 

Language Arts:
 In Language Arts, we will be starting off with a mini poetry unit, some reading comprehension, and kicking off our spelling program.  10 Spelling words will come home along with Spelling Homework every MONDAY.  On TUESDAY, 5 sight words will come home (written in the agenda) and students are responsible for these 15 words each week.  Homework is due back on THURSDAYS, and then the students will be tested on FRIDAYS
Home reading will also start in the next few weeks, and it is my intention to have a different parent volunteer in Monday - Thursday to exchange home reading.  This takes approx.  20-30 minutes, where volunteers are required to sit with students, listen to them read, and help them exchnage a book for the next night.  We will be using a program called Reading A-Z.  

In Social, we will be starting with a unit about Mapping, and students will learn all about different mapping skills and Canadian symbols. 

In Science, we will be putting our brains to work with our Exploring Liquids unit! Stay tuned for updates and photos from different experiments we will conduct in class! 

Math:  Continuing with the Math unit regarding Data Analysis, students will be challenged to collect and organize data about themselves, and develp ways to present data to others.  Check out the first CHALLENGE QUESTION about sorting on the side of this blog! CHALLENGE QUESTIONS will be posted here, and students have 1 week to get their answersin for a chance to win stickers for their sticker book! 

Music:  Music classes take place Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.  Miss. Nevels will be teaching the music this year.

Computers:  Half hour periods on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. 

Art:  Art is on Tuesdays! 

Library Book Exchange: 
On Thursday we will go to the library to exchange our books.  I encourage the children to take library materials home to share.  We send reminders home in the agenda to help remember when they are due

Formal gym classes take place from Monday to Thursday, with a combined Gym period on Friday.  For all gym classes, children need to wear comfortable clothing and running shoes which will not mark the gym floor.  These shoes need to be left at school  and will be used as indoor shoes when the weather is muddy or wet. 

Health:  Safety and self esteem - many of our initial language arts and health activities will encourage children to share ideas, cooperate with each other and feel good about themselves.  Please see the yellow newsletter sent home on Wednesday, September 15th regarding the Star Student schedule, as students really look forward to when their special week arrives!
If you have any questions about our program, your child’s schedule or progress, please feel free to contact me at school  (381-2211) or via email at

Here are some dates to mark in your calendars for the month of September:

September 14th- 8:30- Spirit Assembly, wear Blue and Gold!
September 16th- Terry Fox Walk (830- 11:00 approx) and Terry Fox Marathon
*NOTE the Walk to Nic Sheran has been postponed to Friday
*the Marathon will continue rain or shine! 
September 16th- Library Day for Grade 2E
September 17th - 5 Things About Me paper bag activity!
September 23rd - Picture Day!

On Monday, a number of forms were sent home with the students such as volunteer request forms, class phone list, transportation, etc.  Please make sure that the appropriate forms get filled out and sent back to school as soon as possible, as this will help with planning for future events.

Also, we have a CLASS PARTY SNACK SIGN UP list outside our door.  Please stop by sometime and sign up for something to bring for our class parties- they cannot happen without your support! 

Thanks once again for such a great start to what I'm sure will be a FABULOUS YEAR in Grade 2E!