Friday, April 15, 2011

Last week of April already!?

Just a few small reminders...
A notice went home today for those students who showed interested in participating in a school photo. The photo is to apply for a grant to assist with the costs of our new playground, and will show students with snorkels or swimming goggles/ masks, standing in front of the wooden playground (which is currently flooded!).  If your child would like to participate, please have them bring swimming goggles or a mask/ snorkel on Monday April 18th. 
There is a VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE coming home on Monday regarding 4 upcoming field trips, in which we need Parent Drivers/ volunteers. Please sign and return the sheet if you are able to help out! 
A reminder that each student will need to bring in 4 Hard Boiled Eggs for Thursdays Easter Egg Decorating Centers, and then hopefully parents/ family members are able to come and watch the Grade 2s during their Sock Hop performance, which is from 12:45- 2:15.  The Sock Hop is always TONS of fun and I hope to see some of you there! 
That’s all for now! Have a great weekend J

Sunday, April 3, 2011

April= Spring??

Hi everyone!
I just wanted to go over a few important dates for the month of April!
April 5th- Spirit Assembly at 830am

April 7th-8th- District wide PD Day- No School for students

April 13th- School Council Meeting at 7pm

April 19th- Spirit Assembly at 12:45pm

April 20th-
Hot Lunch
April 21st- Easter Egg Centers, Sock Hop, and Class party

April 22nd- Good Friday/ Easter Holidays begin!!

May 2nd-
Students return and Education Week begins!
May 4th- Dress like your Future Career Day!

*Dress like your Future Career Day is part of a number of activites planned for Education Week, which is the first week back from Easter Break.  These activities were picked to celebrate that “Education is at the Heart of our Community”, and they include guest story readers, a school wide skipping and reading activity (not at the same time! Ha!) and also a “Dress like your Future Career” Day.  This fun costume day will be on Wednesday, May 4th, and can be as simple as you’d like it to be! If students don’t want to wear a whole costume, they can just bring in one prop to symbolize what they’d like to be when they grow up!  More information on all of these events will be handed out just before Easter Break. 
I am still in the process of organizing some dates for some special Easter art activities, in which the students will need to bring some supplies, and I may need some parent help. I am hoping to have this organized sometime in the next few days so just keep an eye out for the emails! 
Thank you in advance for those parents/ students who have signed up to help with our Easter Party! They are:                                                 Grace- Fruit Tray
Jaydon- Veggies and Dip
Dylan- Meat, Cheese, and Crackers
Ben- Cookies, cupcakes or muffins
Ava- Juice boxes (~25)
Alfie- Plates and Napkins (~25)
These past few weeks have been busy ones!!  We finished our Artist in Residence program with “Rooney and Punyi” and the students had SO much fun with it! A huge thank you goes out to Ms. Nevels who organised the entire thing.  As you can see from our pictures, the students listened to two different stories and made plays out of them. We talked about how by just using a simple bed sheet, we can create all of the props/ settings that we need.  It was a really neat experience and our Grade 2 students had a blast with this! 

 A shout out goes to our Insulation Challenge participates from last week!  Georgia, Aiden, Hunter, Emma and Shada all had very different and unique ways of insulating their containers.  In the end, we discovered that the best way to keep something hot or cold, is to have lots of layers and use lots of different materials!  We’re all finished with our Hot and Cold unit and moving on to Magnets! 

And last but not least, we had too much fun playing a harmless April Fools joke on Mr. Bryant, when we switched his office chair for a mini chair in preschool, and wrapped it in masking tape.  Nothing like a getting into a little bit of trouble on a Friday morning! 

That’s all for now!
Thank you,
-Anna Tsentouros