Friday, November 29, 2013

Okay, it's official: There are 26 more days until Christmas!

Just a quick update on the Christmas Concert!

Each family will given 2 tickets to the concert.  These tickets will be STAPLED to your child's agenda on Wednesday December 4th.  If you need more for your family members, you need to submit your request to Mr. Bryant in writing.  We are also going to try and set up a live stream  of the Christmas Concert for people to enjoy at home.  Information about this will be sent out closer to the date.  The Christmas Concert is at Southminister Church on December 12th from 6-7:30 pm.  Students are asked to dress in "Christmas Best". 

Today we worked on letters to Santa! We will be mailing these letters to the North Pole on Monday.  We are crossing our fingers for Santa to write back to us!

Next week we will be wrapping up our bear unit! We spent a lot of time this past week learning about different types of bears, and each student got to choose a bear to do mini reasearch on!  The students are SO PROUD of their bear projects! We will be sending those home next week for you to enjoy.

Don't forget to check the calendar below for important dates! 

Have a wonderful weekend!
-Anna Tsentouros

Friday, November 22, 2013

Hi everyone!
I just wanted to say THANK YOU so much for taking the time out of your busy schedules to come to our Student Led Conferences!  The best part about it all is seeing their happy faces and how proud they are of their work. They get so excited to share with parents, and it wouldn't have been such a success without all of you! 


This is crazy to say, but there are 4 more weeks left until the Christmas break! Here are some events that you can add to your calender:

November 27th- MMH Family Assembly hosted by the Gr 5s
November 28th- Performance from Uof L Theatre 9:30-10:15

December 3rd- Hot lunch for Grades 1-3
December 4th- Hot lunch for Grades 4-5
December 6th- "Bear Day" classroom switches
December 9th- 13th- Les Bucheron's Artist in Residency program
December 10th- Mr. Hargrove's last day
December 12th- MMH Christmas Concert
December 13th- "Sugar Shack" at MMH

December 16th- 20th- Carrolling in the gym everyday at 8:30
December 18th- "Grinch Day"- TBA
December 20th- Christmas celebration and last day before break!

Don't forget to check out the school newsletter which is found HERE.  It has information about school council and school wide events including the Christmas Concert. 

We have a few parents from our class who attend School Council meetings, and act as our classroom representatives.  They are offering some information about the past meeting. This information will be posted on our blog, and if you have any questions about School Council, please let me know and I can put you in contact with them! 

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful weekend!

Here's the latest from School Council: 

Thanks and have a great weekend!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Hi everyone!

Just a quick blog post for today!

Your student brought home their report cards today!  Check out last weeks blog post if you're unsure of the break down in the report card.  We will spend time  next week preparing the students for their Student Led Conferences, which is always so much fun for them. 

PJ and Teddy Bear day was awesome! This was a perfect way to kick off a bear unit for the Grade 1s! We'll spend time doing some bear writing, and learning about different types of bears.  Here's a picture of our class having a 'nap', in gym. 

We've had a wonderful past week welcoming Mr. Hargrove into our classroom.  Mr. Hargrove has been teaching gym and science!

Also, our school has started their Sock It To 'Em program! This is where students can bring in new socks to donate for those in need during the winter season. There is an enormous stocking hanging in the office, and our Caretaking team will collect socks to hang them from the stocking. 

Also, our school is collecting Pull Tabs! If you have any pull tabs from canned beverages, we would love to have them! We send them off to the Ronald McDonald House foundation. 

Thanks for reading, and looking forward to seeing everyone next week!

Have a good weekend!
-Anna Tsentouros

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hello everyone!

Thanks for checking in on the blog.  Here are the latest happenings of our Grade 1A classroom:

We’ve had a very busy past couple of weeks! Halloween was an exciting day with our centers and parade!  The students had fun spending time in the other Grade 1 classrooms. Here we are in our awesome costumes!

Thank you to the families who were able to come watch us parade! Also thank you to the following people who had signed up to bring treats for the afternoon:  Taryn, Seth, Larsen, Keetly, Hayden, Abigail, and their families!

Once Halloween was over, we had some classroom discussions about Remembrance Day and the significance of this holiday.  We talked about how this holiday is different than others, and how it can be very sad at times. We also talked about Peace and how we wish that for everyone.  The students wrote about what “Peace is…” to them, and every time we do these activities, their sentences warm my heart! I love reading about the little things that are so important to our students.  Their work is on the bulletin board outside our hallway- please check it out when you can!
We had a few Grade One students do a reading of a Remembrance Day Poem at our assembly today.  Here’s the video footage:

On Wednesday, our class welcomed Mr. Hargrove into our room! Mr. Hargrove is a PS1 student from the University of Lethbridge, and the students are so excited to get to know him and to learn from him.

On Thursday November 14th it’s PJ and Teddy Bear Day!  We will have a Spirit Assembly at 8:30am. Please note- do NOT send oversized stuffed animals! If the bear is bigger than the student, it can be distracting/ difficult for some of the activities planned for that day!  The Grade 1 Team thanks you in advance for this!

By now you should have received your confirmation slip for your Student Led Conference! We’re really looking forward to these as the students are often so proud of what they have done so far in Grade 1.  Report cards will be sent home on Friday November 15th.  You can help us save some trees if you send back your envelope, and we’ll use it again in March and June.  Here is a breakdown of the report cards, and how they differ from the Kindergarten reports:

The Grade 1 Report card is divided up into sections.  The first being Personal Growth, and then into separate subject areas.  The grading scheme is different than kindergarten, and is as follows:

4 Excellent achievement of grade level expectations

3 Meeting grade level expectations

2 Approaching grade level expectations

1 Not meeting grade level expectations
You’ll notice that two major areas on the report card are with the Language Arts and Math strands. Please keep in mind that the expectations in these subject areas change throughout the year- for example the reading level goal for November compared to June. In Science and Social, we focus on different units throughout all reporting periods.

 I think with Grade 1 being such a change from Kindergarten, the first page that focuses on Personal Growth is an extremely important section. It’s quite the step up from half day to full day school, and each and every day we focus on things like the golden rule, how to work together, and how to think like a problem solver. Together we’re helping them develop into responsible students, and they’re going to see success all throughout their time at MMH because of this.

Here are some important dates to mark on your November Calendar. Have a wonderful long weekend with your families!

Friday November 8th- Remembrance Day Break no school

Monday November 11th- Remembrance Day No School
Wednesday November 13th- School Council Meeting @ 6:30
Thursday November 14th- Spirit Assembly @8:30

Friday November 15th- Report Cards sent home
Thursday November 21st- Student Led Conferences- No School in the pm

Friday November 22nd- Student Led Conferences- No School