Friday, January 24, 2014

Hi everyone!

Just a quick blog post about the next few days.  We have our Scientists in Schools workshop on Wednesday January 29th! I think the students are going to LOVE this! Thank you for those parents who were able to sign up to come help on that morning! 
*Scott Elford, Geoff Netzel, Kriss Guenter, Darli McAulay.
On Wednesday, we will also meet our new Ed2500 student from the University of Lethbridge! She will be with us on Monday and Wednesday mornings. 

A note from School Council:
Principal Paul Bryant has announced his retirement for June 2014.  If the parent community would like to put forth any input in regards to the new principalship (ie, progams/ iniatives you'd like to continue or add, etc) you can email Sharon Mezei until February 3rd, at 

A reminder that after school skating begins on Tuesday February 4th, at Nicholas Sheran arena from 3:30-4:30. 

Lastly, I will be away on Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th.  Please email me if you have any questions. 

Thanks!  Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, January 13, 2014


Wow! I can’t believe we are already back in the full swing of things for 2014!  December was such an exciting month as we planned and prepped for Christmas! It sounded like everyone had a fantastic break and it was exciting to hear about how the students spent their time with their families!

During that last week of December, I was SO spoiled from the students with wonderful cards and thoughtful gifts, which was so unnecessary!   Thank you so much.  It’s no secret that I love my job and I love Grade One, and the kindness and support from all the families is truly amazing!

Our Grade One group has already caught me a few times saying “2013”.  A new year means new beginnings so we talked about healthy resolutions that we could strive for! If you get a chance, come read your child’s resolution for 2014 on our bulletin board outside!

For the next little bit, we will be working on long vowel sounds.  We started with the “Sneaky E” who makes vowels say their own name.  For the next few weeks, your child will be bringing home different activity sheets about different long vowels- if you get a chance, try reading them over again with your student to help with retention. 

In Math, we are diving into some addition and subtraction strategies!  Last week, we discussed how when we’re adding, it doesn’t matter which order we add in, as the sum will stay the same. We also looked at how the sum is the greatest number in the equation.  This week, we’ll work on Math Doubles (1 + 1 = 2, 2 +2= 4, etc), and continuing to use counters as a strategy.  Some information on how you can help your child memorize their doubles facts will be coming home in the next few days. 

In Science, we’ve been learning about Winter and how animals adapt to survive the winter.  We’ve played some fun games in the gym where we’ve had to become animals to show hibernation/ migration, and we’ll continue with some winter activities until we start our next unit called Building Things. 

On January 29th, we have a special program coming to Grade 1 called Scientists in Schools.  Here, we will have scientists from the UofL come to our class for a full morning workshop about Building Things.  This program will require 4 volunteers to come and help with centers in the classroom.   If you are able to come for the whole morning of Wednesday, January 29th, please let me know asap and I can sign you up for a center!  It should be a very exciting morning!

Also, for the workshop on January 29th, each student will need 1 newspaper (a whole edition, not just 1 page).  If you subscribe to a newspaper, and can start collecting newspaper editions for the class that would be wonderful! I can store them in the room so you can send them whenever!

In Social Studies, we’re looking more closely at our Community, and what makes our community so special.  Students are working in a Community Scrapbook where they get to describe their favourite places in Lethbridge. 

Although it’s a few weeks away, we are planning for some 100 Day activities.  100 day is a special day in Grade 1, as we pair up with the Grade 2s for 100 Day Centers in the gym.  This year, we’ll be celebrating 100 Day on Valentine’s Day!  We will need the help of 3 parents on this Friday. If you’re able to run a center on Friday February 14th from 8-11am, please let me know asap!

During the last week in January, our class will be welcoming an Education 2500 student from the University of Lethbridge to our class! This student will be in our class on Monday and Wednesday mornings, and will come to learn about teaching for 8 weeks.  I’m sure our class will be excited to meet them when they begin their practicum. 

Here are your important dates for January and February so far! Remember to check this blog for date changes!

Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful week!


Tuesday January 14th- Hat/ Touque Day! Spirit Assembly @ 12:30
Wednesday January 15th- Hot Lunch for Grades 1-3
Thursday January 16th- Hot Lunch for Grades 4-5
January 27th-28th- Miss Tsentouros’ away
Wednesday January 29th- Science in Schools workshop in the AM


Tuesday February 4th- After School Skate begins from 330-430 at Nicholas Sheran Rink- all families invited to attend!
Wednesday February 5th- Winter Walk Day, Family Assembly @ 12:30
Friday February 7th- PD Day No School
Friday February 14th- Valentine’s Day/ 100th Day of School Celebrations!
February 17th- 21st- Family Break- No School