Thursday, January 27, 2011

Quick Update!

Lot’s of important information that went home today on a hand out regarding the 100th day, and Valentine’s Day!  Please check your student’s backpack so that you’re in the know!
Also, the Grade 2s will be performing some songs at the Assembly on Tuesday, February 1st at 8:30am.  Students are encouraged to wear Red, White or Blue.  Hope you can make it out to see our star singers!
This is a short month, but a busy month!  Remember to scroll down the screen AND check your child’s agendas for important dates listed. 
Thanks in advance to Ellis’ Mom and Georgia’s Grandma who are volunteering for our 100th day Activities in the gym! This is a really fun morning and parents are encouraged to stop by. If you have younger siblings who’d like to come participate for a bit they are welcome to do so!
I’m still in need of 1 volunteer to assist with our School Wide Museum day, which will conclude our OSOB project on Thursday, February 17th.  Email me if you are interested for details!

Also, please look for a Math practise homework sheet coming home on Monday.  It will come with instructions on what to do!
Thanks and have a rockin’ weekend!
-Anna Tsentouros

Sunday, January 23, 2011

One School- One Book!

Hello again!
A huge shout out Thank you to Emma’s Dad, Kyra’s Mom, Ellis’ Mom, Jace’s Grandma, and Georgia’s Grandma for volunteering during last weeks swimming escapade!  21 kids in a pool for 1 hour, and we only managed to lose 1 sock.  Pretty impressive I’d say!
Just wanted to do a quick post about a few happenings for the next week in Grade 2!  On Thursday, January 27th from
2:30-3:15 we will have our One School, One Book kick off assembly!
One School One Book first made its appearance at MMH two years ago, where the entire school read the same book for one month.  Throughout the month, each grade level participated in school wide activities all about the book, and we had an awesome time making the story come alive for those busy 4 weeks.  OSOB is one my favourite MMH activities, and although we only do it every two years, it truly is an amazing experience to see just how everyone makes reading come alive.  OSOB is all about one thing: Reading at home with your entire family!
For this year’s OSOB, we will be revealing what the book is at the Kick off Assembly on Thursday.  We are SO excited to get this project started, and I know the anticipation within the school is rising!  While I can’t tell you what the book is, I can tell you that it is above a Grade 2 reading level.  Having said that, if your child feels confident enough to read the book on their own- that’s great! If not, PLEASE take the time to read this book WITH your child, and help explain along the way.  I strongly encourage that if your child CAN read the book on your own, that you still try your very best to make it a family activity, as that is what the project is all about. Perhaps you could take turns reading it out loud!  Seeing how families made the book come alive two years ago was really the best part about the whole project, and I really hope that you can have fun with this year’s story at home. 
During the month long project, there will be trivia questions on the morning announcements and students who enter will be eligible to win prizes.  Expect an information sheet along with the revelation of the book to come home on Thursday, January 27th. I hope to see some parents/ family members at

the assembly on Thursday at 2:30 as well.  In an effort to cut down on costs, this year, unlike the previous OSOB, only the OLDEST CHILD in the family will be receiving a book, instead of EVERY child.  Also, because of the nature of the project, our classroom Home Reading will be put on hold for the month.  I can’t tell you how excited I am about this project and I hope you are too!!
After Thursday’s excitement, we also have our Grade 2 Arctic Day on Friday, January 28th!  This is a day where the Grade
2s will rotate around to other Grade 2 classrooms, to participate in centers all about the Arctic Region, which ties perfectly into our Nunavut study. 
I’ve been doing a lot of marking / cleaning of our classroom shelves so please expect some past work to come home in the next little bit.  Can you believe that next week is February?!!?  Insanity!!
Hope you had a great weekend J

Friday, January 14, 2011

All the Happenings for January and February!

Hi there Grade 2E families!
Thanks for checking in!  We had a busy week in room 10 and I am SO PROUD to say how well our class did.  We got right down to business with a few things.  In Language Arts, we have kicked off our Jan Brett author study.  Over the course of the next few weeks, we will be looking at some of Brett’s work and modelling some writing after her.  In Math, we ROCKED our patterns test and I’m super proud to say that everyone did phenomenal!  We’ve had a good jump start on learning about hot and cold temperatures in Science. It’s great that we’ve had such excellent examples of cold temperatures outside, but I think we’re ready for some HOT temperatures now...but I won’t hold my breath.  It’s kind of fitting when it comes to Social though.  Did you know this past week it was the same temperature in Iqaluit as it was in Lethbridge??
I wanted to discuss my growing collection of Pokemon cards that are currently in my ‘June Drawer’.  We’ve had quite a few discussions about card collections and how school is not the best place for them to end up. I don’t mind when students bring them out to play at recess time (especially with all of our indoor recesses), but more often than not the cards have been making appearances during class time.  If your student is responsible enough to bring the cards to school, please have a discussion at home about WHEN they should be playing with them- Thanks for your help with this! 
Thank you to the volunteers who were able to sign up for Swimming on January 20th.  We will leave the school at 1:30, swim from 2-3 and be back at the school by 3:30 for dismissal.  Thank you to Emma’s Dad, Kyra’s Mom, Ellis’ Mom, Jace’s Grandma, and Georgia’s Grandma for volunteering! 
The Healthy Schools Expo is on January 27th 2011, from 6:30 to 8:00pm at Galbraith School!  This is a great event where families can learn more about healthy and active living opportunities in Lethbridge.  You can also learn about different extra curricular activities that are available in your community.  Bring your family and tour through the different booths that will be set up.  Light refreshments will be served and you may even win some prizes along the way! Hope to see some families from MMH there!   
This year, Valentine’s Day and 100th Day of School celebration fall extremely close together! The Grade 2s will partner up with the Grade 1s on Friday, February 11th for 100th Day activities in the gym.  I am in need of two volunteers to help run centers in the gym for this morning, from 8:30- 11:15.  If you are interested in coming to help on this day, please email me back.  I promise it’s an easy and fun job! 
Thank you to the following people who have signed up to bring treats on this day for 21 students:
Quinten- fruit tray
Carter- meat, cheese and cracker tray
Georgia- cookies, cupcakes or muffins
Alfie- juice boxes
Emma- plates and napkins
Valentine’s Day – February 14th- falls on a Monday this year.  On Monday the 14th, students are able to bring in their valentines and distribute them to our Valentine’s mailboxes.  We will be doing some Valentine’s language arts activities throughout the day, but we are going to wait to have our class party on Friday, February 18th.  This coincides with Random Acts of Kindness week which is from Feb. 14th to the 18th, so we can celebrate both of those things on the Friday. 
Thank you to the following people who have signed up to bring treats on this day for 21 students:
Georgia- fruit tray
Jace- veggies and dip
Quinten- meet, cheese and cracker tray
Ava- cupcakes
Emma- juice boxes
Alden- plates and napkins
Now, if you’re REALLY organized and are interested in putting some more dates onto your calendar, here are the following days for After School Skating at Nicholas Sheran Arena.  This is a free skate open for MMH students and their families. It runs from 3:30 to 4:30 and a GREAT way to get out and get active!
February 1st, 8th, 15th
March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th
Have a fantastic weekend and STAY WARM!!
-Anna Tsentouros
Important January and February Dates
January 18th- Spirit Assembly at 12:45
 January 19th- HOT LUNCH DAY, Scholastic Book orders DUE
January 20th- Swimming from 2-3pm
January 27th- One School One Book kick off!
                        Healthy Living Expo from 6:30-8:00 at Galbraith Gym

January 28th- Arctic Day (tentative date)
February 1st- Spirit Assembly at 8:30am
February 2nd- Groundhog Day
February 4th- Professional Learning Day- no school for students
February 9th- School Council Meeting 7pm
February 11th- 100th day of school celebration!
February 14th- 18th – Random Acts of Kindness Week
February 14th- Valentine’s Day
February 17th- One School One Book School wide activity
February 18th- Class Valentine’s Celebration
February 21st-25th-Family Day Break

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hello 2011!

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve accidently written ‘2010’ on everything.  I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday and enjoyed lots of quality time with loved ones.  I think everyone at MMH was a little sleepy on Tuesday morning, but nevertheless we were quick to get down to busy and already the holidays seem a million miles away!
I just wanted to clarify that there were TWO DATES that were wrong on the orange form that went home on Tuesday. - My apologies, my brain may have still been on vacation! 

Hot Lunch is actually on Wednesday, January 19th and NOT the 26th
Also, our Grade 2 class will be swimming on THURSDAY, JANUARY 20TH (not the 13th), and we will be going from 2pm to 3pm. 

WE NEED MORE DRIVERS FOR THIS EVENT!!  If you want to correct the date on the orange form and send it back, you can OR you can also email me with the number of students you are able to take.  We will leave the school at 1:30 and be back by 3:30. 
Please expect a Math review to come home all about our Patterning Unit.  We will have our Patterns this week where the students will be assessed in repeating and increasing patterns using pictures, numbers, letters and symbols.  Please take the time to go over the review with them as many students often experience test anxiety if they feel ill prepared. 
And that`s all for now!
-Anna Tsentouros
~Important January Dates~

January 12th- School council meeting at 7pm

January 18th- Spirit Assembly at 12:45- dress in sports apparel

January 19th- HOT LUNCH DAY, Scholastic Book orders DUE

January 20th- Swimming from 2-3pm

January 27th- One School One Book kick off!

January 28th- Arctic Day (tentative date)