Monday, November 7, 2011

Just a quick reminder!

Hi folks!

2 things:

1) Your student brought home that very important yellow handout that has all the available times for Parent Teacher Interviews! If you have other students at the school, most likely THEIR interviews are on November 24th and 25th.  I know different grade levels are doing different things, but hopefully the yellow handout isn't too confusing!  Please indicate your 1st and 2nd preference, and include any helpful notes (for example "I work untill 5pm) that will help with planning.  Remember, I am very open to other dates/ times as well, if one of the provided ones do not work with your schedules. Just let me know via email, phone call, note in agenda, carrier pigeon.... I promise we'll make something work :)

2) Another reminder that we are making Stone Soup on Wednesday! Today we brainstormed a list of appropriate soup ingredients, and your child signed up to bring something in. I tried to make it very clear to the class, to bring something that they thought would already be in their fridge at home, so parents don't have to stress.  In other words, please do not run out to the grocery store in a panic for purchasing 1 carrot.  Whatever you have in your fridge is fine!! If you don't have any produce that would be soup-friendly, and your student is keen on bringing something, you could just put some dashes of salt and pepper in a zip lock bag and we'll toss that in the pot! If you're wondering how much to bring, just a small ziplock bag with your cleaned, chopped ingredient will be great! We will be enjoying our Stone Soup just before lunch on Wednesdsay, after the Remembrance Day assembly. 

Thank you!!

Friday, November 4, 2011


Thanks for checking in! With the Fall Break and Interview Days, November is a VERY quick month with lots to do.  If you are ever confused with what needs to be brought in on what days, PLEASE email me and I will respond as quickly as possible!  I’m one of those people who needs everything to be written down which is probably why my desk is covered in sticky notes J  I think this blog post covers everything that is happening in November, so grab your calendars so you can be filled in!
Here are some important things for THIS WEEK:
On Monday, students will be bringing home a signup sheet for Parent Teacher interviews.  .  Please fill out the bottom of that sheet with your 1st and 2nd option, and I will do my best to accommodate everyone.  If none of the below times and dates work with your schedule, please contact me immediately, and we will find a time that works.  Interviews are usually about 20 minutes long- it is optional whether or not you’d like to bring your student.  Feel free to add a comment about your preferred time (example: “any time after 4pm).  When every student returns the form, I will then send out a notice indicating your 20 minute interview.
On Monday, students are also asked to “Bring Something From Their Past” to share with small groups! If students don’t have anything to bring, tell them a story about when they were younger, and they can share that story with their classmates. 

In Music, Ms. Nevels has been teaching the story of Stone Soup ,and we will be reading the story in class.  It is a story of how being generous brings out the kindness in others.  Together, we are going to make Stone Soup in the classroom.  on Monday, students will sign up to bring a vegetable to school for Wednesday, November 9th 2011.  It is most appreciated if your ingredient is washed, chopped, and ready to be 'tossed' into the pot.  We will be enjoying our soup right before lunchtime on Wednesday, October 9th.  Thank you for your help with this!

Our Halloween Writing books are almost done!!!  This truly is a lot of hard work on behalf of the students, especially for the beginning of Grade 2.  When they make their way home, please take time to read your student’s story. They have a lot to be proud of with those books J
Random notes:
*Blue Hot Lunch forms are due Monday.
*Scholastic book orders are due on Monday
There is no spelling/ sight words next week due to the short week.
All Students need to have indoor shoes at school.  Please check with your child if they have dry shoes to put on during wet days.  Several of us have misplaced them or forgotten them at home. 

Grade 2s are having their first (and hopefully annual) OREO COOKIE DAY!! Why?!?! Why not!??! OREO Day is on Monday, November 21st and will be filled with Math, Language Arts, Science, and Art activities completely centered around OREO COOKIES!  (yum!)  In preparation for this, we are asking each parent to send in a bag of OREOS with their student.  On Monday November 14th a paper notice will go home, reminding you about this day, and we are asking that the OREO bags come in on Friday, November 18th.  If you fear the cookies might get eaten in your home (I know this is the case at my house!) then feel free to send them earlier.  We are also asking that on Monday October 21st, each student wear something black and white from their closet- Please don’t go and spend money at Park Place! I’m really excited for this day and I know we’ll have a lot of fun with these activities. 
Sock It To ‘Em has started! This is a charity event put on by our caretaking staff.  They will be collecting NEW socks for those in need around Christmas time.  There will be a giant stocking in the office where students can come and pin new socks for donation on in the office. 
The calendar gets bigger and are the happenings!
Thanks and have a great weekend! Enjoy the extra hour of sleep J
November dates:
Monday November 7th- Bring Something From Your Past!
Monday November 7th- Scholastic and Hot Lunch orders due
Tuesday November 8th – After School Skate at Nic Sheran
Wednesday November 9th- Bring a vegetable for Stone Soup!
Wednesday November 9th- Remembrance Day Assembly 10:30
Wednesday Novmeber 9th- School Council meeting at 6pm 
Thursday November 10th Fall Break No School
 Friday November 11th Fall Break No School 
Tuesday November 15th- After School Skate at Nic Sheran
Wednesday November 16th Spirit Assembly @ 830am: PJ Day
Wednesday November  16th  PT Interviews for Grade 2B

Thursday November  17th  PT Interviews for Grade 2B
Friday November  18th  PT Interviews for Grade 2B
Friday November 18th- Bring a bag of OREOS!
Friday November 18th Report Cards sent home 
Monday November 21st- Oreo Cookie Day (details to follow)
Monday November 21st  PT Interviews for Grade 2B
Tuesday November 22nd- PT Interviews for Grade 2B
Thursday November 24th – Friday November 25th- No School
Wednesday November 30th- Character Education Assembly in pm