Monday, November 7, 2011

Just a quick reminder!

Hi folks!

2 things:

1) Your student brought home that very important yellow handout that has all the available times for Parent Teacher Interviews! If you have other students at the school, most likely THEIR interviews are on November 24th and 25th.  I know different grade levels are doing different things, but hopefully the yellow handout isn't too confusing!  Please indicate your 1st and 2nd preference, and include any helpful notes (for example "I work untill 5pm) that will help with planning.  Remember, I am very open to other dates/ times as well, if one of the provided ones do not work with your schedules. Just let me know via email, phone call, note in agenda, carrier pigeon.... I promise we'll make something work :)

2) Another reminder that we are making Stone Soup on Wednesday! Today we brainstormed a list of appropriate soup ingredients, and your child signed up to bring something in. I tried to make it very clear to the class, to bring something that they thought would already be in their fridge at home, so parents don't have to stress.  In other words, please do not run out to the grocery store in a panic for purchasing 1 carrot.  Whatever you have in your fridge is fine!! If you don't have any produce that would be soup-friendly, and your student is keen on bringing something, you could just put some dashes of salt and pepper in a zip lock bag and we'll toss that in the pot! If you're wondering how much to bring, just a small ziplock bag with your cleaned, chopped ingredient will be great! We will be enjoying our Stone Soup just before lunch on Wednesdsay, after the Remembrance Day assembly. 

Thank you!!

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