Friday, June 7, 2013

Hi Everyone! Thank you for checking in.  We had an awesome field trip last week to the Galt Museum.  Thank you to the parent volunteers who were able to meet us there. Here are some snap shots of our class taking it all in!

It was awesome to see so many families out for our Pancake Breakfast on Tuesday as well! Thank you to those who were able to attend! 

Well, we’re going through our classroom notebooks and we’re slowly organizing things to be sent home. I never know what’s better: a slow, steady stream of random school things sent home throughout the weeks, or having your child’s backpack explode near the end of the year with one massive pile of things!  If you are taking off before June 27th to begin your summer holiday, please let me know so I can arrange to have your child’s report card sent with them. 

 We have started some local Animal Research projects! Your child picked an animal that is local to our area, and we’re going to be doing some research in the next two weeks about them! I’m always amazed at what the students find and how much information they retain when it comes to this kind of stuff.  Future scientists, perhaps!?

 Speaking of science, for anyone who is interested in the “If You Don’t Use It, You Lose It” presentation our speech pathologist Christie Schipper gave, she has posted it on her blog , along with some Q and As, and some useful resources that you might be interested in.  When I went to her presentation, I immediately went home and told my family members about it.  There’s so much information and its really fascinating stuff!  I highly recommend you follow her blog! 

 On Monday, our students are heading BACK to Kindergarten!  They’ll be hanging out with Mrs. McCrady all morning while I get a new batch of KinderKids!  The purpose of Switch Day is so the Kindergarten students get a feel for what a day is like in Grade 1, and the Grade 1s always love going back to visit their Kindergarten class and teachers.  Should be a fun time! 

 We are still looking for some volunteers for Sports Day! If you or an outgoing family member are able to help run a center, please let me know ASAP! This is honestly a really fun day and the kids just get so excited to spend so much time out doors.  Students will be placed in colour coded teams, and are expected to wear their team colour. We’ll write this information in their agendas closer to the date. 

One of the final units we’ll be doing in Grade 1 is a Camping themed unit! I’m pumped because there’s so much cool stuff you can do out there with camping!  It is tentatively set for Friday, June 21st! Each student will need to bring:  1 sleeping bag (or blanket), 1 pillow, and 1 flashlight.  We hope to go on a mini ‘hike’ around the school yard, and some other awesome camping activities.  

 Information will also be going home about our Grade 1 Year End Picnic.  This is an awesome day where we walk to Nicholas Sheran Park, and enjoy lunch!  We usually leave MMH around 11, to be at the park for 11:45.  Please bring a blanket and come join us!  The note home will include all the information as well as a chance to sign up to bring food, as we organize this as a ‘pot luck’ picnic.  We stay at the park until about 1, and then head back to MMH. 

 I think that’s it for right now!  Thank you for your time!

-Anna Tsentouros

Don't forget these important dates!!

Monday June 10th- Kindergarten / Grade 1 Switch Day!
Tuesday June 18th- Sports Day
Friday June 21st- Camp Day!
Monday June 24th- Farewell Assembly
Tuesday June 25th- Grade 1 Year End picnic
Wednesday June 26th- Grade 1 picnic back up date
Thursday June 27th- School Slideshow/ Last Day of school!
*Students are dismissed @ 12 on the 27th!*