Saturday, November 22, 2014

December Sneak Peek!

Hi Everyone!
Here is a quick sneak peek into December events and special dates to remember! The three big events are the Bear Switch Day where all the grade one teachers take turns doing special bear related activities with each others students! The kids get to meet all the grade one teachers while completing math and literacy projects.
The second big event is skating on December 17th at Nicholas Sheran from 1:15-2:30. Please let us know if you are available to drive and/or supervise. Kids need to wear a hockey helmet if they have one and if you have extra helmets or skates we always appreciate having extras on hand. There are some helmets at the arena as well. Students and adults are required to wear helmets before going out onto the ice for safety reasons.

The third big event is our annual Christmas Gala held at the school on the evening of December 11th. It is a night of music, crafts, and treats. Hope you can all come out and join the festivities! Specific times TBA.

Dates To Remember!
December 1: 10:45 Earth Rangers Presentation

December 6: Bear Switch Day/Lockdown practise day in pm/ letter will be coming home
December 9: Hot Lunch Day

December 11: Christmas Gala evening-more info coming soon

 December 17: Skating @ Nicholas Sheran Ice Arena 1:15-2:30
Please email if you can drive/supervise J

December 15-19: Christmas carols in the gym at 8:30am all this week

December 19: Dress Like Christmas assembly at 8:30am in the gym

December 19: Last day of classes for 2014 & class party!

January 5: First day back!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Rock Your Mocs Day Monday Nov. 17th!

Hi everyone!
Just a quick reminder that Monday Nov. 17th is Rock Your Mocs day at MMH! This means that if you have a comfy pair of moccasins please wear them to school to support our FMNI community! If you do not have a pair, don’t worry, the kids will have a chance to make a paper version and wear those instead!
PS-Remember that Tuesday NOV. 18TH you get to wear your jammies to school and bring your teddy bear! There will be a spirit assembly in the gym at 8:30.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

November News!

Hi everyone!
Thank you so much to everyone who helped organize the Halloween Parties and for providing treats, creating amazing costumes, and joining us for pictures and parading! What a fun day!

Also a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to our Feed The Bug campaign. It was a huge success and our school was able to feed many families in need! The grade one students were very excited to be helping people in our community and learning how to be good citizens!

This upcoming week we will be talking about Remembrance Day and the significance of this holiday. There will be a special assembly in the gym at 10:30 and if your child participates in sparks or cubs, they are invited to wear their uniform and be part of the colour guard during the assembly. There will be announcements made this week about practise days for these children, please email your teacher if your child has a uniform and would like to participate. We would also really appreciate if you could chat with your child about this special day, and what things they might think of during the minute of silence, and remind them that we do not clap after performances on this day.

Our school will soon be starting the Sock It To 'Em program which will run from Nov. 3- Dec. 12! This is where students can bring in new socks to donate for those in need during the winter season. There will be an enormous stocking hanging in the office, and our Caretaking team will collect socks to hang them from the stocking.

Your child’s classroom teacher will soon be starting a themed unit on “Bears”. This theme will encompass all areas of the curriculum including Language Arts, Science, Math, Art, and even P.E.!

Parent Teacher Interviews
This year you will be asked to sign up for a time slot using conference manager unless you are in Mrs. Johnston’s class. She will be booking appointments and sending home additional information soon. Otherwise, the process for booking interviews is as follows:

Step 1 – You can Pre-Register at
include “www” in the url) You can set up a Parent Account by following the link above. Click the REGISTER NOW button and complete the registration form. Your login credentials (email and password) will remain in the system to make it easy to access the Conference Manager in the future. Please note that in order to enhance functionality and security, the Conference Manager requires you to use Internet Explorer 7 (or above), Firefox 3 (or above) or Safari 4 (or above). If you are using an older browser, the Conference Manager will automatically prompt you to update your browser and provide you with a link. This is a one-time process and only takes a couple of minutes.
In order to ensure that your email program does not block emails sent from the Conference Manager, we suggest adding to your address book.

Step 2 – Conference Manager Opens to Parents – Thursday November 13 at 8:00 A.M.

You can access the Parent Login Page using the link in the Confirmation Email. If you do not receive a Confirmation Email, you can login by going directly to
Step 3 – Book your Parent/Teacher interviews

Select the teachers with whom you want to book interviews. You will see each teacher’s schedule. After booking your appointments you can print off your schedule. You will also receive an email containing the teacher name, time and location of the conference. You can log into the system at any time to view your bookings, print, cancel or re-schedule appointments. You have the option of submitting comments or questions to the teacher as part of the booking process.

Important Dates For Interviews:

Anytime – Pre-Registration begins
Thursday November 13 – Start scheduling your interviews at 8:00 A.M.
Wednesday, November 19 – Conference Manager closes at 12 noon
Wednesday and Thursday, November 19&20 —Kindergarten only— all day interviews
Thursday, November 20– Parent/Teacher Interviews Grades 1 to 5, afternoon/evening
Friday November 21 — Parent/Teacher Interviews for Grade 1 to 5, in the morning
If you do not have Internet access, you are welcome to contact the office and we will schedule your conferences on your behalf. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to con-tact the school at 403.381.2211.

Other Important Dates For November:

November 3, 17, 24 : Mind Masters program 9:00am-10am
November 3, 17, 24: Book Mobile after school with Mrs. Baker
November 3-Dec 12: Sock It To’Em Campaign
November 7: Remembrance Day Assembly @ 10:30am
November 10: No School: Fall Break!
November 11: No School: Remembrance Day
November 12: School Council Meeting @ 6:30pm
November 13: Conference Manager Opens
November 14: Report Cards come home
November 18: Hot Lunch Day & Pajama Day & Bring Your Teddy Bear!
November 19: Conference Manager closes
November 20: Book Fair in the Library & regular classes in am with students dismissed at 11:45/Parent teacher conferences afternoon/evening
November 21: No School for students/ Book Fair closes at 11:30/ Parent teacher conferences

WHEW! That was one long post! Congratulations if you made it to the end!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Report Cards Are Coming!

Report cards will be coming home on Friday November 14th. There are some big changes you will notice between a Kindergarten report card and a Grade One report card. If you haven’t seen a Grade 1 report card, they are divided into sections. The first being Personal Growth, and then into separate subject areas. The grading scheme is different than kindergarten, and is as follows:
For Personal Growth & Effort:
V- Very Good
A- Acceptable
N- Needs improvement
For Subject Areas:
4 Excellent achievement of grade level expectations
3  Meeting grade level expectations
2 Approaching grade level expectations
1 Not meeting grade level expectations
You’ll notice that the two major areas on the report card are Language Arts and Math strands. Please keep in mind that the expectations in these subject areas change throughout the year- for example the reading level goal for June is much higher than the reading level goal in November. In Science and Social, we focus on different units throughout all reporting periods.  You will also notice the term N/A on  report cards which simply means not assessed at this time.  This is because we are still too early in the year to assess some skills.
 It’s quite the step up from half day to full day school, and each and every day we focus on things like  how to be part of our classroom "team" and  work together! All kids are learning how to be friends that support one another and solve problems.  We are helping them develop into responsible students who can make good choices for themselves in years to come.  Thanks for all you do at home to reinforce these skills!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Hi everyone!
Thanks for checking the blog on this beautiful Autumn day!  Our school calendar is starting to fill up so please make sure that if you have any questions about what’s going on, just ask your Grade 1 Teacher!

Here’s the news for the next few weeks:

The Grade 1 team is looking for donations of a few pairs of pants!  If you have any stretchy/ elastic waist sweat pants that your child doesn’t wear anymore, we would be happy to take them off your hands! This is in case students have accidents at school, and they need a change of clothes. 

We have been doing sight word check ins and wow!  They are really coming along!  Keep up the great work with practicing at home! Many students have shared how they have flashcards at home, and are playing memory or match games which is AWESOME!  We will continue to add new sight words per week, and will practice with them in class.  Thank you for your help with this!

A reminder that next week the students will be dismissed at 11:45 on Thursday, October 23rd, and that there is no school on Friday October 24th.  Please make sure you have arrangements for your students, especially on the Thursday as it’s an irregular dismissal time!

The Grade 1 Book Mobile club is meeting on Mondays right after school.  In the past, some students have kept their library card in a freezer sized Ziplock bag, and then they can use that bag for their book mobile books as well.  Please email if you have any questions about this club!

It has been so impressive seeing the boxes and boxes of food being donated to the Lethbridge Food Bank for our Feed the Bug Campaign!  The discussions that we’ve been having in class are so valuable, and it’s wonderful to see so many students being involved in such an important service project.  We are overwhelmed with the support we have received from families in donations-  Thank you thank you! Let’s keep Feeding The Bug up until the 22nd of October! We will have a spirit assembly in the courtyard at 12:30 on that day, and all the students are invited to wear Blue and Gold for this day.

Well, the most exciting day of the October calendar is coming up- Halloween! Students have been counting down for a long time, and we will be starting to prepare them with some Halloween activities in class.  On Friday, October 31st, students are invited to wear their costumes for our School Parade, which will begin around 8:45am.  Parents are invited to line the halls if they wish to come and watch as we parade around the school. 

As this day often brings lots of excitement (and in order for it to run smoothly), please have your student already wearing their costume when they get to school, as teachers won’t have time before the parade to help everyone.  As per usual school policy, we ask that any weapons or full-faced masks not be worn to school. If your child’s costume is particularly gory or scary, we ask that they not wear it to school.  If you signed up at the beginning of the year to bring snacks for Halloween, your classroom teacher will be contacting you. 

I think that’s it for now! Have a wonderful weekend

Your Grade 1 Teachers

Here  are some dates to mark your calendars with:

Tuesday October 21st- Picture Retake Day and Grade 1-3 Hot lunch
Wednesday October 22nd- Grades 4-5 Hot Lunch and Spirit Assembly @ 12:30, wear blue and gold!
Thursday October 23rd- Students dismissed at 11:45
Friday October 24th- PL Day
Friday October 31st- Halloween celebrations

Monday November 10th- Remembrance Day Break, no school
Tuesday November 11th- Remembrance Day
Friday November 14th- Report Cards sent home
Thursday November 20th and 21st- Parent/ Teacher interviews

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Bookmobile Club for Grade 1s

Please keep an eye out for a permission form coming home regarding the Book Mobile Club!  If you have any questions after reading the form, please contact Mrs. Baker at

This club is starting at perfect timing as the Grade 1s are heading to the Crossings Branch Library soon!  Please make sure your child is dressed properly for the weather for the field trip.

Thank you!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Hi everyone!

Thanks for checking in on the blog. Wow did our Grade 1s ever do an awesome job on our big Terry Fox Walk!  Thank you for your support with this amazing campaign.  It was awesome to hear how the students earned their pledges or their “Toonie for Terry”.  We were tired when it was all said and done, but the students sure felt proud!

Please keep an eye out for a note coming home asking for volunteers for our Crossings Branch Library field trip. As that is another big walk, we want to make sure students are dressed appropriately for the weather that day as well!

In Language Arts, we are finishing up a letter sound review, and will soon start blending sounds together for reading words.  If you’re finding your child is still not confident with their letter sounds, please contact your teacher and ask how you can help with this at home.  This is the strong foundation that will build the confidence that kids need to LOVE reading!  Don’t forget to keep practising with SIGHT WORDS!  Remember, students do not need to know how to spell sight words at this time, but they do need to be able to recognize and read them quickly. 

In October, we will be starting our Home Reading Program.  It is an expectation that students read at least 15 minutes EVERYDAY! Please keep an eye out for a detailed note that explains home reading, as we will be offering two different programs, and you need to respond with your preference. 

In Social Studies we’ve been talking about belonging to different groups, such as our family, friends, school, and any extra activities. In Science, we’re continuing with learning about Colours.  We’ve learned about natural and manufactured colours, and have been mixing primary colours to make secondary colours.

We are looking for some parent volunteers who would be willing to help with Grade 1 Recycling.  Our recycle bin needs to be emptied and brought into the depot once a week.  If you are willing to help us out with this that would be greatly appreciated! The money collected from recycling will be put towards renting school buses for Grade 1 field trips.  If this is something you’re interested in, please let your Grade 1 Teacher know ASAP and we can work out a schedule!

 This week, your Grade 1 Teacher will be filling out a Mini Progress Report about your student’s progress so far this year.  Please talk to your teacher if you have any questions or concerns with the report! 

Have a wonderful weekend with your families!

Here’s the dates for October for your calendars:

Tuesday October 7th- Crossings Branch Field Trip.
(Payne and Fallwell’s class in the AM, Johnston and Tsentouros’ class in the pm)
Wednesday October 8th- Firefighter presentation
Monday October 13th- Happy Thanksgiving! No School!
Tuesday October 14th- PL Day- No School!
Wednesday October 15th-22nd- Feed the Bug Campaign
Tuesday October 21st- Picture Retake Day
Wednesday October 22nd- Spirit Assembly @ 12:30
Thursday October 23rd-PL Day in the PM, students dismissed @ 11:45
Friday October 24th- PL Day-No School
Friday October 31st- Happy Halloween! Details to come!




Monday, September 22, 2014

Hot Lunch Days for the Whole Year!

I know we all look forward to those hot lunch days when we can take a break from packing lunches! Now you will  have the dates for Grade 1-3 for the whole year! If you have older children remember that Grades 4,5,6 are the following day. Enjoy!
Oct. 21
Nov. 18
Dec. 9
Jan. 27
Feb. 24
March 24
April 28
May 26
June TBA

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Hello Grade One Families!
Thank you for checking in on our Grade 1 blog! Thanks to all the families that were able to make it to Meet the Teacher night!  The best part was seeing how proud students were of their new classrooms.  Here’s some news for our Grade One Group:

Field Trips
This past week, a newsletter was sent home from the office regarding the Terry Fox Assembly and Walk.  Unfortunately, there was a time error regarding the assembly.  Our Terry Fox Assembly will be in conjunction with our Blue and Gold Assembly, which is on Monday September 22nd at 8:30 in the morning.  There will be no assembly after the walk on Friday.  Students are encouraged to wear school colours on both Monday and Friday.   At Monday’s assembly, we’ll be talking about Terry Fox and our Spirit Cup Challenge.  We’ll also have a special guest, Mr. Terry Fox, give a short presentation.  Mr. Terry Fox is actually the late Terry Fox’s uncle! 

Don’t forget to email your Grade One teacher if you are able to walk with your class on October 7th to the Crossings Branch library!  Each class time is listed on the blog post below.  We’re hoping for some great weather on that day so remember to make sure your children are dressed accordingly!

It is very helpful for lunchtime if your children are able to open their own snacks/ containers! Involving your child in lunch packing is a great way to help prepare with this! One suggestion from a parent was to open difficult packaging at home, and put snacks (such as fruit cups) into a reusable lunch container that is kid friendly.  When the students can open their own snacks, this helps build their independence! Thank you for your help with this!

Bell Times and Coming into the School
Don’t forget that the bell times have changed this year! We want to help the traffic in the office become a bit more manageable!  There is supervision on the playground before school at 8:05 am. 

The Warning Bell rings at 8:15 am.  At this time, students need to line up outside at our Grade One doors.  Grade One teachers will then invite students in.

The Dismissal Bell rings at 3:06pm. At this time, students can meet families in the boot room.  Having parents wait in the boot room will make our caretaking staff’s jobs much easier, especially when the weather changes.

On Fridays, the Dismissal Bell rings at 11:44am. 

We understand that sometimes parents need to speak with teachers in the morning.  If so, the best thing would be to either come in with the Grade 1 students at the 8:15am Warning Bell, or come through the office doors with your child.  The Grade One doors are locked for security reasons.  Please do not let other students in through the Grade One doors, as this could become a supervision issue! 

If your student arrives after 8:15, and there is no one holding the Grade One Door, please remind them to go through the office door!  We don’t want any little ones being locked out! If they go in through the office door, then they need to stop at the office to get a late slip!

Need a Desk??
The student desks that are lined up outside the library are free for the taking!! If you’d like to take some desks home, please help yourself!

Last But Not Least:
Don’t forget to check out our School Newsletter, which can be found by clicking HERE!  It includes important information such as Breakfast Club, School Council, Parking Reminders, and a Monthly Calendar.

Don’t forget to add these Grade One Dates to your calendar at home.  Thank you for a fun first few weeks!  Take care,

From the Grade One Teachers


Monday September 22nd- Blue and Gold Assembly @ 8:30

Tuesday September 23rd- Hot Lunch Grades 1-3

Wednesday September 24th- Hot Lunch Grades 4-5

Friday September 26th- Terry Fox Walk @ 8:45


Tuesday October 7th- Crossings Branch Field Trip

Wednesday October 8th- Firefighter presentation

Monday October 13th- Thanksgiving! No School

Tuesday October 14th- PL Day – No School

Wednesday October 15th- 22nd- Feed the Bug campaign

Tuesday October 21st - Picture Retake day

Wednesday October 22nd- Spirit Assembly @ 12:30

Thursday October 23rd- PD Day in PM only

Friday October 24th- PD Day no school

Friday October 31st- Happy Halloween! Details to come!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Grade One News

Hi everyone and welcome to our Grade blog!

We’ve had an awesome first week of school! Grade 1 is such a huge change from Kindergarten but our classes seems to be adjusting well! Here you will find the latest news in our classroom as well as upcoming events/ things to know. There will also be an updated monthly calendar list so you can keep track of what is going on around MMH for your child's Grade 1 year.

Please make sure you have provided your teacher with an email address that you use often and one where you don’t mind receiving emails. Of course, if you prefer a paper copy of handouts/ information/ reminders, teachers can provide one as well -please just let your teacher know.

Here’s a brief summary of what we will be working on:

InLanguage Arts we will be reviewing our letter sounds and printing. We will also start practicing our sight words, which will be written every week in the agenda. Each week we will practice these sight words and we ask that you please practice them at home! It is important that the students are able to READ (not spell- but if they can spell them woohoo!) these words without trying to sound them out. Our home reading program will begin in October. Thank you to the parents who signed up to exchange home reading! Teachers will contact the parents who have offered to help with home reading exchange closer to the start date.

InMath, we began with printing numbers 1-10 as a review, as well as testing out different ways to represent them. Our first two units in math are about numbers 1-10 and patterning. In Science we will start our Colours unit, and discussions about the season fall.

Morning Routine:

If your child arrives at school prior to the bell, please direct them to the playground. There is supervision there and it is a much safer place than the front of the school. The Grade One doors open each morning at 8:15am, when our first “warning bell” will sound. Another bell will go at 8:20am. Any student arriving after the 8:20am bell needs to enter through the office doors and ask for a late slip on the way by. This helps so much to ensure accurate attendance is taken. Thank you for your help with this!


We have had a good start to settling into the routine of eating lunch at school. Students are getting faster at handling their lunch kit from their backpack. Parents, you can help us out here! We ask that you involve your student when packing their lunch, so that they're aware of what's in their lunch kit. It's helpful when they know what they should be eating as their morning snack (10-10:15), lunch (12-12:24) and then as an afternoon snack (1:55-2:05). Don't forget to pack any utensils that they need! Some students are able to open up their containers on their own which is VERY helpful for us! Thank you for your support here!

There are peanut allergies in some Grade 1 classes so we exercise caution when students have peanut butter sandwiches, etc. Please remind your student to wash their hands after handling anything with peanuts!

Thanks to parents who signed up to bring snacks outside the classroom doors! When it comes time, you’ll receive a reminder for what you’ve signed up for via email.

Each class is also looking for a School Council Representative. School Council meets once a month (on a Wednesday) and your job would be to act as a liason between the school council and our classroom. The School Council also works on different committees and helps out with school wide events and fundraising. It’s a great way to get out and meet other parents in the school as well! If this sounds something you’re interested in, please let your teacher know! The first meeting is set for Wednesday September 10th @ 6pm.

Field Trips:

OnFriday, September 26th we are going on our Terry Fox Walk! We are leaving MMH just after announcements, and will walk over to Nicholas Sheran Lake. We go around the lake once where we meet up with the other Westside Schools, and then we head back to MMH. The Grade One teachers are looking for 2 parents per class to join. If you’d like to join us on our walk please just let your teacher know via email. We ask that younger siblings don’t come for this, as usually the walk is pretty exhausting for our Grade 1s. If you don’t want to walk, you are more than welcome to grab a spot at the lake and cheer us on when we pass! Students are welcome to wear our school colours (Blue and Gold) for this morning.

On October 7th, our Grade 1 classes will be walking to the Crossings Branch Library for a tour! Here are the times that each class is going:

Mrs. Payne and Mrs. Fallwell’s class:

Leave MMH @ 9:45

Return to MMH @ 11:45

Mrs. Johnston and Miss Tsentouros’ class:

Leave MMH @ 12:45

Return to MMH @ 2:45

Each class is looking for 2 parents to help. If you are able to help walk with your child’s class, please email your teacher and let her know.

Although this is a long time away, our Grade 1 group will be going Skating at the Nicholas Sheran Rink on Wednesday December 17th from 1:15-2:30. Each child will need a skating helmet and their own pair of skates! We’re hoping this early notice will give parents enough time to borrow equipment. Closer to the date, we’ll also ask if parents have any extra skates that we can share with those without.

Thank you for checking out our first blog post!

Here are some important dates to mark your calendars with:


Wednesday September 10th- School Council Meeting @ 6pm

Thursday September 11th- Meet the Teacher Night @ 6

Monday September 22nd- Blue and Gold Assembly @ 8:30

Friday September 26th- Terry Fox Walk @ 8:45


Tuesday October 7th- Crossings Branch Field Trip

Wednesday October 8th- Firefighter presentation

Monday October 13th- Thanksgiving! No School

Tuesday October 14th- PL Day No School

Wednesday October 15th- 22nd- Feed the Bug campaign

Tuesday October 21st - Picture Retake day

Thursday October 23rd- PD Day in PM only

Friday October 24th- PD Day no school

Friday October 31st- Happy Halloween!