Friday, December 14, 2012

Hi everyone! Thanks for checking in! 
Well time is flying and we’re approaching our last week of school before the Christmas holidays! First off, thank you to all the families that were able to come to our Christmas Gala last night.  It was super busy but a lot of fun! Thank you for your support in making it a family event! I think with how successful it turned out, there will definitely be other Christmas Galas in years to come! 
This is just a post to let you know about all the happenings for the week! 
Because of the busy week, there will be NO spelling homework or sight words coming home.   
Every day in the morning, we will be carolling in the gym.  If you’re around MMH from 8:30-9:00(ish), feel free to join us!
Yesterday your student brought home an envelope with instructions for a Christmas Card exchange.  We’re asking students to bring back their finished cards in the envelopes on Tuesday December 18th.  If you think you will not have time for this activity, please shoot me a quick email and I can provide your child with some craft items and we’ll find some time during recess on Monday to make one.
On Wednesday the entire school is going to “Dress Like Christmas”.  
 On Thursday we’re having Grinch Day!  The Grade 1s will be moving around to different themed centers in the morning.  Students are invited to dress in green, or as a “Who” from “Who-Ville”.  We’re also having our Class Party that afternoon!  Thanks to those parents who’ve signed up to bring treats that day!  We didn’t have anyone sign up for a Veggie Tray, so if there’s anyone out there who is able to help out, let me know!  In the afternoon we’re going to enjoy our snacks, relax, and open our Christmas Cards from our classmates. 
So there you have it! Our last week for 2012:
Monday December 17th- Carolling @ 8:30
Tuesday December 18th- Carolling @ 8:30- Bring finished Christmas Card for exchange
Wednesday December 19th- Carolling and Spirit Assembly @ 8:30- “Dress Like Christmas”
Thursday December 20th Carolling @ 8:30-Grinch Day! Class party in the pm
Friday December 21st-Carolling @ 8:30- Last Day for 2012!
Monday January 7th- Classes Resume
In case I don’t see you before the holidays…
Thank you for such a fantastic first four months of Grade 1! It’s been such a blast so far! Have a wonderful and Merry Christmas! Enjoy your time with your families!!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

~23 MoRe DaYs 'TiL ChRiStMaS!!~

Hi Everyone!
Thank you for checking into the blog.  I couldn’t believe it when I was changing the calendar over to December.  Wow has time ever gone fast!  As we all know, these next 3 weeks before the Christmas holidays are going to just be a blur.  Make sure you update your calendars at home so you know just what’s going on!
Thank you to those parents who were able to join us and drive on our field trip to the Helen Schuler Nature Center! For our first field trip, I thought our students were great ambassadors for our school. Great job Grade 1s! Here are some photos of our adventures down in the coulees:

In the next 3 weeks of school, we’ll be busy continuing with our Daily 5 program, and adding Word Work to our schedule.  This week we’ll also be wrapping up our bear unit with a neat little project, and afterwards we’ll be writing very important letters to the big jolly guy dressed in red! 
In Math, we’re continuing with representing numbers 1-20, as well as problem solving.  We’ve been looking at simple math equations and practising different strategies on how to solve them.  We’ve been using math terminology in talking about what makes things ‘equal’, what numbers are the addends, and how to find the sum. 
In Science we’re getting more into our Five Senses, as we continue talking from how our senses send messages to our brains, how they protect us, and how we can rely on our other senses if need be. 
You may have noticed a new addition to our agendas last week- SPELLING!  We’ve started our spelling homework, and will continue with it for 2 more weeks before we break for Christmas.  There won’t be any spelling homework for the last week in December as I know that the Grade 1s are busy little people and it will be a much needed break.  The way spelling will work is that the students will bring home their sheets on Monday, and they are due back by Thursday.  They’ll be tested on the words on Friday.  Please help them with reading the instructions for the first little bit until they become familiar with them.
We talked in class how Spelling is now another Responsibility for them.  We gave different ideas about how the students need to discuss with their parents when it would be a good time to work on their spelling, and how that will work at home. For some, it’s best to do a little bit of it each night.  Some want to get it done right away, and others prefer to save it for Wednesday night so it’s fresh in their brains for Friday’s test. 
So, to sum it all up, from now until the end of the year, the only homework I will send home is the home reading Monday – Thursday, the 4-5 sight words per week, as well as the Spelling.  Anything else that gets sent home will only be if your student is struggling with something, OR, an optional ‘fun’ project.  I hope that this added bit will not add any stress or worry on top of what we’re already doing.  From what I hear from the students, they truly love that one on one time with their parents, and together we’re building really important habits.   Thank you very much for your help and support with this!
Some School Wide Reminders:When you have a chance, PLEASE check out the MMH Newsletter as it has some really important information regarding things like the Christmas Gala on December 13th, Kindergarten Registration, Head Lice, Snow Routes, Evacuation processes (like on the Oct. 23rd snow day), the counselling office, and a student alert.
Click HERE to read up on the MMH December Newsletter.
The caretaking staff is still collecting new Socks for the Sock it To ‘Em program!  If you have any you’d like to donate, please bring them by December 13th.
MMH is still collecting Pop Tabs!  Thanks to those students who have already brought some in.  These pop tabs will be donated to help out the Ronald McDonald House foundation.  One student had a wonderful idea, where they contacted some family members they will be visiting with over Christmas and asked them to collect too.  With all the holiday parties that are coming up, it’s an easy way to collect them, and then you can bring them in the New Year.  I’m challenging our class to fill up a jar we have in the classroom!  Keep on collecting!
Our Classroom Christmas celebration will be on December 20th in the pm. The Grade 1 teachers are still planning on what this day will look like.  If you signed up to bring snacks, Krystyn Jahn will remind you via email.  
I know in the past, students often love getting their teachers a Christmas gift.  In an attempt to make things easier on families, please do not feel the need to send anything.  If you have any USED easy reader books that you’re willing to donate to our Grade 1 team, I know they would be much appreciated, but do not go and spend money on something.  The best gifts I have received from students are homemade cards!
With that, thank you for taking the time to read!  Happy December!
-Anna Tsentouros
Important Dates in December: 
Tuesday Dec. 4th- After School skating @Nic Sheran 3:30-4:30

Tuesday Dec. 11th- After School skating @Nic Sheran 3:30-4:30

Thursday Dec. 13th- Christmas Ball 6-8pm

Friday Dec. 14th- School Wide Bingo

Dec. 17th- 21st- Christmas Carolling in the Gym @ 8:30am

Tuesday Dec. 18th- After School skating @Nic Sheran 3:30-4:30

Wednesday Dec. 19th- “Dress Like Christmas” Assembly @8:30

Thursday Dec. 20th- Class Christmas Celebration in the pm

Friday Dec. 21st- Last day of school

Monday January 7th- School resumes

Thursday, November 8, 2012

 Hi everyone!

Thanks for checking into our classroom blog! We had a wonderful Remembrance Day assembly today, and had some really great conversations afterwards about why Remembrance Day is different than the other holidays, and how important it is.  Here are a few reminders about the short week coming up. 
In Math, we are continuing with representing numbers, but focusing on numbers from 0-20.  This helps as we begin to think about addition facts from 0-20, and how we can show different ways to get to a number. 

In Science we’ve kicked off our 5 Senses unit with writing about what Peace feels, smells, hears, tastes and looks like! The unit on the 5 Senses is full of hands on activities where students learn how messages are sent to the brain. 

On Tuesday you will find a Red Hot lunch slip in your child’s agenda! Hot lunch orders are due on NOVEMBER 14TH, and the hot lunch day is on NOVEMBER 21ST!  This month’s hot lunch is going to be smoothies and pitas from Extreme Pitas.  Remember that due to our school size, parent council cannot accept late orders so please make sure they’re back by the deadline! 

By now you should have received your confirmation slip for your Student Led Conference!  We’re really looking forward to these as the students are often so proud of what they have done so far in Grade 1. 

For Thursday November 15th, the Grade 1s are running Classroom Centers again, much like Halloween.  Students will be moving to all the Grade 1 classes throughout the morning to take part in Bear Themed activities! Since this is also PJ day, students are encouraged to bring in a teddy bear from home! 

*PLEASE NOTE!  Do NOT send oversized stuffed animals!  If the bear is bigger than the student, it can be distracting/ difficult for some of the centers that are being planned!! The Grade 1 team thanks you in advance for this!
A reminder that report cards are coming home on Friday November 16th!  Read the blog post below for the breakdown of report cards and how they differ from a Kindergarten report card.  The report card you receive is yours to keep. You can help us save some trees if you send back your envelope, and we’ll use it in March and June! 

 Thank you to parents who have signed up to help drive for our Helen Schuler field trip on Novembe 27th! So far we have:

Karmyn (3 students)

Krystyn (4 students)

Abby (3 students)

Christina (4 students)

We still need drivers for 2 more students so if you're able to help us out on that afternoon from about 12:30-3, please email me back! Even if you're just able to help with pick ups/ drop offs, it really makes a difference! Thanks!

 Here are some important November Dates to mark your calendars with:
November 9th- Remembrance Day break No School
November 12th- Remembrance Day break No School
November 13th- Hot Lunch forms sent out

November 14th- Hot Lunch forms due back
November 15th- PJ DAY! Assembly @ 8:30 & Bear Unit kick off!
November 16th- Report Cards sent home
November 19th-
Guest teacher Stacy Deys for Art class!
November 21st-
Hot Lunch
November 22nd- Students dismissed at 11:45
November 22nd- Student Led Conferences
November 23rd- Student Led Conferences
November 27th-
Helen Schuler field trip 1:00-2:30
November 28th-
Character Ed Assembly @ 12:30

Friday, November 2, 2012

~*~WeLcoMe To NoVeMbEr~*~

Hi everyone!  Wow, a lot has happened in the past few weeks and I couldn’t believe it when I changed the calendar over to November!  Just as we were racing to get the classroom decorated for Halloween, we were racing to take it down! 

I have a TON of “thank-you”s to give out!

First off, a big thanks to Krystyn Jahn who came in last week to teach an Art lesson about sunsets and spooky Halloween silhouettes!  The students had a lot of fun, and ended up with a beautiful piece of art to take home. 

Thanks to our parents who are a part of the School Council, who are working with staff members to plan the Christmas Ball. On top of that, there’s a group of parents who work to coordinate Hot Lunch. We had a great first Hot Lunch day on October 24th, and despite the late delivery, we still really enjoyed it.  This does remind me however, that on Hot Lunch days, please make sure to pack your child sufficient snacks! Especially if hot lunch happens to run late again! 
Thank you to parents who have signed up to help drive for our Helen Schuler field trip on Novembe 27th!  So far we have:
Karmyn (3 students)
Krystyn (4 students)
Abby (3 students)

Christina (4 students)
We still need drivers for 5 more students so if you're able to help us out on that afternoon from about 12:30-3, please email me back! Even if you're just able to help with pick ups/ drop offs, it really makes a difference! Thanks!
Ms. Renner is still handing out book orders from the Book Fair, so if your student purchased something and they haven’t received it- not to worry! It IS on its way!

We had a wonderful time on Wednesday with our Halloween Centers and parade.  I was so proud to hear how well behaved our students were, as they moved to other Grade 1 classrooms to spend time with the other Grade 1 teachers.  That’s really something to be proud of! A big thank you to those students and their families who brought in snacks / supplies for our fun day! : Thank you to Cale, Julia, Josh, Drew, Hailey, Alex, Colin, and their families. 

Thank you for handing in the Student Led Conferences sheets, indicating your time preferences to meet. On Wednesday November 7th, I will send home a confirmation slip, letting you know what time we’ve booked you in for.  Please watch for this in your child’s agenda.

The MMH staff is busy getting their report cards ready to send home on November 16th.  If you haven’t seen a Grade 1 report card, they are divided up into sections.  The first being Personal Growth, and then into separate subject areas.  The grading scheme is different than kindergarten, and is as follows:

4     Excellent achievement of grade level expectations

3                Meeting grade level expectations

2      Approaching grade level expectations

1                        Not meeting grade level expectations

You’ll notice that two major areas on the report card are with the Language Arts and Math strands.  Please keep in mind that the expectations in these subject areas change throughout the year- for example the reading level goal for November compared to June.  In Science and Social, we focus on different units throughout all reporting periods. 

I think with Grade 1 being such a change from Kindergarten, the first page that focuses on Personal Growth is an extremely important section. It’s quite the step up from half day to full day school, and each and every day we focus on things like the golden rule, how to work together, and how to think like a problem solver.  Together we’re helping them develop into responsible students, and they’re going to see success all throughout their time at MMH because of this.  I know that my mom still has my Grade 1 report cards, and the funny thing is I think a lot of those comments would still apply if I were writing my own report card today!

Just a heads up:  On November 13th, 14th, and 15th I am away at a conference. My good friend Aimee Gast will be in to teach for me. The students already know her and I am confident things will run quite smoothly for those days.  If you need to get a hold of her, the best thing to do is write a note in the agenda as she will be checking them OR if it’s urgent, call the school and they can transfer your call directly into the classroom. 

“Sock it to ‘Em” program at MMH! We talked about this briefly today in class, but for those who don’t know, the caretakers and maintenance staff in our district are collecting NEW socks to be donated to local charities for Christmas.  If you’re able to donate a pair, please send new socks in with your student to make someone’s Christmas a little bit warmer!  We will be collecting socks from November 1st to December 13th. 

Also, at the November 15th assembly, we will have a guest speaker come in to talk about collecting Pop Can Tabs! If you’re able to start your own collection at home to donate, that would be wonderful! 

It’s listed in the November MMH Newsletter that our school is in need of a wheelchair.  If you know of anyone who is able to donate, please contact Mr. Paul Bryant. 

I think that’s it for now! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful weekend!

-Anna Tsentouros

Here are some important November Dates to mark your calendars with:

November 8th- Remembrance Day assembly 10:30am
November 9th- Remembrance Day break No School
November 12th- Remembrance Day break No School
November 15th- PJ DAY! Assembly @ 8:30 & Bear Unit kick off!
November 16th- Report Cards sent home
November 19th- Guest teacher Stacy Deys for Art class!
November 21st- Hot Lunch
November 22nd- Students dismissed at 11:45
November 22nd- Student Led Conferences
November 23rd- Student Led Conferences
November 27th- Helen Schuler field trip 1:00-2:30
November 28th- Character Ed Assembly @ 12:30

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hi everyone! I hope you’re enjoying your long weekend at home!

Just a reminder that Monday is the LAST CALL for any Fire Escape plans! If you’ve misplaced the paper, just do it on a blank piece. Your child should be able to explain the map of your house, and know the two escape routes you’ve decided on!

As our first class party is coming up, I’ve listed the details below so you know what we’re up to on that date. A parent in our class- Krystyn Jahn-has volunteered to help with party planning, and so if you’ve signed up to bring a snack, she will email you 1 week prior to the party to remind you. Thank you for those of you who’ve signed up to bring things! If you have any questions, you can email her at:

Also, our Parent Council Rep is Stacy Deys. Stacy has helped out for a few years now on Parent Council, so if you have any questions or would like to get involved and help out, you can email her at

Don’t forget that Hot lunch is on the 24th, and that our class is visiting the Scholastic Book Fair on Thursday the 25th at 10:45, and Friday the 26th at 9:30. Please check the blog post below for protocol of the book fair if you have any questions!

Home Reading

Thanks so much for participating in the Home Reading program. Our parent volunteers are coming in this week to switch books for us and to listen to your child read. Remember, it is VERY HELPFUL for the person who is switching books, if you write the TITLE OF THE BOOK, along with your signature, so we know that you child has read it! Please continue to review Sight Words and read Home Reading books on a NIGHTLY basis. This is MORE than enough!


Our Feed the Bug campaign will run from October 22-26. I absolutely LOVE this time of year. Feed the Bug is a drive for the Lethbridge Food Bank. Children are taught about what the food bank is, and about being grateful for the IMPORTANT things that we are lucky enough to have. Rather than toys, we talk about things such as: enough food to keep us healthy, a warm place to sleep and live, families that love us etc. There will be a box placed in our classroom that we will collect food non-perishable food in that children bring from home. Each time the box is full, we will take it down to the foyer. It is so fun to see all the donations in the school pile up! At the end of the campaign the Food Bank will come and we will create an assembly line to load up the food!

Here’s our plan for Halloween Day:

8:30-11:15am Halloween Centers. Students will travel to each Grade One classroom, participating in a different activity at each stop. These will include, art projects, games etc. 15 min recess at 10am.
11:15-11:45am Lunch Recess Break We are going to switch things up a bit today so we are not rushed to eat and get dressed. Students will play outside early on this day. If you're wanting to take your child home for lunch on this day in order to help them get ready, you can come and get them at this time, and return them by 12:20pm. Please let me know if this is something you are planning to do.
11:45-12:05pm Eating Lunch Students will eat lunch in the classroom PRIOR to putting on their costumes. Hopefully this will help to keep them clean!
12:05-12:25pm Getting Dressed Students will change into their costumes at this time and get ready for the Halloween Parade.
12:30-1:30pm Halloween Parade The entire school takes part in a costume parade so we can see each other's awesome outfits! You’re invited to grab a spot in the hallway and watch all the classes go by!
1:30-2:00pm Party Snack Time!

2:00-2:15pm Recess

2:15-2:30 In Class Activity

2:35-3:05pm Music with Ms. Nevels

Helen Schuler Field Trip

I would like our class to go to Helen Schuler Nature Center on the afternoon of November 21 (1-2:30)for our first field trip! The trip has been booked for our class, but we are in need of parent drivers in order for us to go. If you are able to help out (even if it is just to drive and then pick up) please let me know ASAP. If your child is under the age of 6 AND less that 40lbs, they need to be in a full carseat. If you think this includes you, please come and talk to me ASAP. If you are willing to drive, please let me know how many children you can transport. (Students can NOT be in the front seat) If you are not going to be driving and would like your child to ride in their booster, you are welcome to send it on that day.

Thank you so much for all that you do. I can't say enough how much fun I am having this year and how PROUD I am of what my students are doing every day.  - Anna Tsentouros

Important Dates in October

Monday October 22nd- 26th: Feed the Bug Campaign
Wednesday October 24th- Hot Lunch
Thursday October 25th- Scholastic Book Fair @1045

Friday October 26th- Scholastic Book Fair @9:30
Monday October 29th- Picture Retake Day
Wednesday October 31st- Happy Halloween! Centers, Parade and Party 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Hi everyone! Thanks for checking in.  I just want to let you know about a few things coming up for the next week.
We’ve been moving forward with our Daily 5 Language Arts program and this week students got to ‘shop’ for a Good Fit Book.  What that means is, each student had to find books that they picked which are at their interest level, and books that they could understand the words/ read.  We keep these books in our book boxes at school, and we will be using them for Daily 5.  We’ll go shopping for different books next week, to keep it interesting. 
I kid you not, this is what one student said to me today:  “Miss Tsentouros, can we PLEASE build some stamina today??” My heart melted!  It’s so wonderful to see them excited about reading and we celebrate every time we build ‘stamina’.
Here's some snapshots of our class 'Shopping' for Good-Fit books!

Thank you for putting in the time to practice reading the Sight Words from the Agenda! We will be assessing the students on their sight words this week as well.  In class we learned a game called BANG! Ask your student to see if they can explain it to you, and try playing it at home!

In Math, we’re deep in our Patterning unit, and we take little brain breaks by playing games.  I ask certain students to stand in front of the class, and others try and guess the pattern- for instance (Tshirt, Sweater, Tshirt, Sweater). We’ve been talking about the difference between an AB and an ABC pattern.  Try playing the game at home! Or see if your student can make patterns out of random things around the house. 
For Science, we are getting close to wrapping up our unit in Colours.  Students brought home their ‘Squish’ art project, which was done with Corn Syrup and food colouring.  Unfortunately, some of the papers stuck to others when they weren’t completely dried, so a few got ripped and torn. I explained to the students that I still thought they should take them home, as despite the rips and tears, they could still see where the primary colours squished together to make secondary colours.  Your student will be bringing home their Colours unit soon, which includes all of the activities we’ve done so far, and will show you what they need to know! Later on, we’ll be having a Colours Unit test.  Not to worry- this is done in an informal way where we read out questions, and give students the opportunity to really show what they know. 
Once again it seems the weather is flip flopping from cold to warm, and this week was a good week to start being diligent about indoor and outdoor shoes.  We are keeping our indoor shoes in our classroom, underneath our desks. Students are expected to keep this pair at school, and travel to and from school in their outdoor shoes, which we keep on the Grade 1A boot rack.  Please make sure your child has the proper footwear, as we prepare for the cold weather.  It’s helpful if their indoor shoes are gym appropriate (i.e. not sandals or boots).  Also, making sure that your student has a proper outdoor jacket, as many students were cold this past week as they only had a sweater.  Labelling all of your child’s clothing will help tremendously as we start to find mittens, toques and scarves hanging around! Thank you for your help with this!
Your student will be bringing a Hot Lunch form home on Monday! These are on bright pink paper, and if you have older children at MMH you’ll notice that this year’s hot lunch is done a bit differently.  Rather than ordering an entire lunch (meal, drink, snacks, etc), this year Parent Council is only organizing the hot lunch portion- not the extras.  This month’s Hot lunch date is on Wednesday October 24th, but order forms are due back by October 16th! Usually the forms come out a bit sooner, but if you could please send your order form and money right back to school on Tuesday that would be very helpful. 
Last but not least- please don’t forget to help your student with their Fire Escape plan! We’d like students to be presenting these to their classmates this week. If you’ve lost the handout (hey, it happens!) you can just make one on a blank piece of paper.  Remember the theme for this year is “Have two ways out!”
Don’t forget that on Thursday October 18th, it is “Dress like your Favourite Book Character day, and that students are dismissed at 11:45.  Also there is no school on Friday October 19th. 
Thanks and have a wonderful weekend!
Anna Tsentouros
 Important Dates in October
Monday October 15th- Hot Lunch order forms sent home

Tuesday October 16th Hot Lunch order forms due back

Thursday October 18th- Dress Like Your Favourite Book Character Day!

Thursday October 18th- Professional Learning day in the PM-students dismissed @ 11:45

Friday October 19th- Professional Learning Day- No School

Thursday October 25th- Scholastic Book Fair

Friday October 26th- Scholastic Book Fair

Monday October 29th- Picture Retake Day

Wednesday October 31st- Happy Halloween! Halloween parade in the pm and class party  

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Falling Leaves!

Hi Everyone! Thanks for reading!

Our first week of October will be a busy one!   To begin, my good friend Mrs. Aimee Gast will be subbing for me on Monday.  Mrs. Gast used to teach Grade 1 at MMH so Im excited for her to meet all the little personalities in room 15! 

Next week, I will be sending home a Mini-Progress Report.  This report will include a brief summary of how your student is doing in Grade 1!  I'm hoping to have these home on Tuesday or Wednesday.  They will be tucked safely in the agendas so please keep an eye out for them!

..speaking of the agendas- THANK YOU for being so consist in signing them! 

Here are the happenings in Room 15:

In Language Arts, we will continue on working with our sight word reading, printing, word families, and our Daily 5 program.  And alsoHOME READING WILL START ON TUESDAY OCTOBER 2ND!! What does that mean?  Its pretty simple:  Encouraging your child to read DAILY.  At MMH, we’re firm believers that reading daily significantly improves skills, in both comprehension and fluency.  We are using a program called Reading A-Z.  This is a great resource because the books are levelled, and theyre a mix of fiction and non-fiction. Later on, we will incorporate other books into the program.  We will use Reading A-Z books to get us going, and well talk about how this is a big responsibility for Grade 1.  Monday to Thursday, your child will bring a book home to read.  There will be a little note coming home with the first book that explains everything you need to know, and how to get in the swing of Home Reading. 

In Math, we are kicking off our unit in Patterns! This is a fun unit because we will make lots of patterns using different manipulatives.  Our goal is to get students to see patterns in things around us, everyday life, nature, as well as numbers.  Often students dont see the connection in patterns and numbers, so this is a great unit to begin with as we become more confident in Math. 

In Social Studies, we will finish talking about groups that we belong in, and we’ll move on to learn about students’ families.  Perfect timing Id say, as we also prepare for the Thanksgiving weekend!  Keep your eyes out for a special surprise coming home at the end of the week- I know the students are going to be very proud to be taking this home for the long weekend!
Our Art Room is in need of Rags! If you have any old towels you are willing to part with, please send them to school and we’ll cut them for rags for our Art room. 
We’re excited to have Kaydance’s Dad come in to speak to us about Fire Safety on October 3rd!  Fire Prevention week is from October 8th to October 12th and the theme this year is “Have 2 Ways Out”.  Well be sending home some Fire Safety information and activities that you can do with your entire family. 
Here is some information about school wide events:

On Wednesday Oct. 3rd, we are having our first Character Education Assembly of the year.  There will be a number of these throughout the year, as we are focusing on Character Education across our school.  We began this last year, and what happened was all of the students (grades 1-5) were divided up into Families.  Each Family consists of 1 teacher and approx.  25 students from all grade levels.  We meet monthly, do fun activities together, and gather in the gym to celebrate the months theme. 
Since your kids were in Kindergarten last year, they weren’t placed in a “Family” yet, so this is a big step for them!  On Wednesday afternoon theyll meet their MMH Family which is pretty cool, as this will be their Family until they leave MMH after Grade 5.  Im excited to catch up with my Family from last year, and also welcome the new Grade 1s to the bunch! 

October 18th is “Dress Like Your Favourite Book Character” Day! I’m exciting to see what our Grade 1s can come up with!  If your favourite book character has a really difficult costume, consider bringing a prop in that you could use to explain.  

Another day you’ll want to mark your calendars with is the Scholastic Book Fair on Oct. 25th and 26th.   Ms. Renner has been busy organizing this, and the book fair always has an amazing selection.  Our class will visit the book fair on both days.  Usually, the first day we just go and LOOK and write down titles and prices on a wish list.  Then, the second day, if the student has brought money they can shop.  Please feel free to come visit and shop in the book fair yourselves!  It will be open from 8:30-11:45, and again from 12:30-3:30 on Thursday, and 8:30-11:45 on Friday.  You are welcome to visit the book fair with our class, or you can go at your own convenience.  If you choose to send money with your child, let me know via email or agenda if there’s a specific thing they’re SUPPOSE to buy.  If theres no instruction, I usually tell them they have to purchase at least 1 book so that they dont spend all their money on erasers and posters.  Due to the book fair, I will not be sending home a Scholastic order for October. 

I think that’s it for now!  Have a wonderful Fall weekend!

-Anna Tsentouros & Grade 1A

Monday October 1st
- “Walk to School” Week begins!
Wednesday October 3rd- Guest Speaker about Fire safety
Wednesday October 3rd- Character Ed. Assembly @ 12:30 & MMH Family time
Monday October 8th- Happy Thanksgiving! No school

Tuesday October 9th- Professional Learning Day: No School
Wednesday October 10th
- School Council Meeting @ 6:30
Thursday October 18th- Dress Like Your Favourite Book Character Day!
Thursday October 18th- Professional Learning day in the PM-students dismissed @ 11:45

Friday October 19th- Professional Learning Day- No School
Thursday October 25th- Scholastic Book Fair
Friday October 26th- Scholastic Book Fair

Monday October 29th- Picture Retake Day
Wednesday October 31st- Happy Halloween! Halloween parade in the pm
 and class party