Sunday, December 2, 2012

~23 MoRe DaYs 'TiL ChRiStMaS!!~

Hi Everyone!
Thank you for checking into the blog.  I couldn’t believe it when I was changing the calendar over to December.  Wow has time ever gone fast!  As we all know, these next 3 weeks before the Christmas holidays are going to just be a blur.  Make sure you update your calendars at home so you know just what’s going on!
Thank you to those parents who were able to join us and drive on our field trip to the Helen Schuler Nature Center! For our first field trip, I thought our students were great ambassadors for our school. Great job Grade 1s! Here are some photos of our adventures down in the coulees:

In the next 3 weeks of school, we’ll be busy continuing with our Daily 5 program, and adding Word Work to our schedule.  This week we’ll also be wrapping up our bear unit with a neat little project, and afterwards we’ll be writing very important letters to the big jolly guy dressed in red! 
In Math, we’re continuing with representing numbers 1-20, as well as problem solving.  We’ve been looking at simple math equations and practising different strategies on how to solve them.  We’ve been using math terminology in talking about what makes things ‘equal’, what numbers are the addends, and how to find the sum. 
In Science we’re getting more into our Five Senses, as we continue talking from how our senses send messages to our brains, how they protect us, and how we can rely on our other senses if need be. 
You may have noticed a new addition to our agendas last week- SPELLING!  We’ve started our spelling homework, and will continue with it for 2 more weeks before we break for Christmas.  There won’t be any spelling homework for the last week in December as I know that the Grade 1s are busy little people and it will be a much needed break.  The way spelling will work is that the students will bring home their sheets on Monday, and they are due back by Thursday.  They’ll be tested on the words on Friday.  Please help them with reading the instructions for the first little bit until they become familiar with them.
We talked in class how Spelling is now another Responsibility for them.  We gave different ideas about how the students need to discuss with their parents when it would be a good time to work on their spelling, and how that will work at home. For some, it’s best to do a little bit of it each night.  Some want to get it done right away, and others prefer to save it for Wednesday night so it’s fresh in their brains for Friday’s test. 
So, to sum it all up, from now until the end of the year, the only homework I will send home is the home reading Monday – Thursday, the 4-5 sight words per week, as well as the Spelling.  Anything else that gets sent home will only be if your student is struggling with something, OR, an optional ‘fun’ project.  I hope that this added bit will not add any stress or worry on top of what we’re already doing.  From what I hear from the students, they truly love that one on one time with their parents, and together we’re building really important habits.   Thank you very much for your help and support with this!
Some School Wide Reminders:When you have a chance, PLEASE check out the MMH Newsletter as it has some really important information regarding things like the Christmas Gala on December 13th, Kindergarten Registration, Head Lice, Snow Routes, Evacuation processes (like on the Oct. 23rd snow day), the counselling office, and a student alert.
Click HERE to read up on the MMH December Newsletter.
The caretaking staff is still collecting new Socks for the Sock it To ‘Em program!  If you have any you’d like to donate, please bring them by December 13th.
MMH is still collecting Pop Tabs!  Thanks to those students who have already brought some in.  These pop tabs will be donated to help out the Ronald McDonald House foundation.  One student had a wonderful idea, where they contacted some family members they will be visiting with over Christmas and asked them to collect too.  With all the holiday parties that are coming up, it’s an easy way to collect them, and then you can bring them in the New Year.  I’m challenging our class to fill up a jar we have in the classroom!  Keep on collecting!
Our Classroom Christmas celebration will be on December 20th in the pm. The Grade 1 teachers are still planning on what this day will look like.  If you signed up to bring snacks, Krystyn Jahn will remind you via email.  
I know in the past, students often love getting their teachers a Christmas gift.  In an attempt to make things easier on families, please do not feel the need to send anything.  If you have any USED easy reader books that you’re willing to donate to our Grade 1 team, I know they would be much appreciated, but do not go and spend money on something.  The best gifts I have received from students are homemade cards!
With that, thank you for taking the time to read!  Happy December!
-Anna Tsentouros
Important Dates in December: 
Tuesday Dec. 4th- After School skating @Nic Sheran 3:30-4:30

Tuesday Dec. 11th- After School skating @Nic Sheran 3:30-4:30

Thursday Dec. 13th- Christmas Ball 6-8pm

Friday Dec. 14th- School Wide Bingo

Dec. 17th- 21st- Christmas Carolling in the Gym @ 8:30am

Tuesday Dec. 18th- After School skating @Nic Sheran 3:30-4:30

Wednesday Dec. 19th- “Dress Like Christmas” Assembly @8:30

Thursday Dec. 20th- Class Christmas Celebration in the pm

Friday Dec. 21st- Last day of school

Monday January 7th- School resumes

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