Tuesday, September 21, 2010

...and even MORE things to remember!


I've emailed a few parents who have checked off that they would like to be Field Trip helpers, as we have two field trips coming up, but I thought  I'd post the information just in case anyone else is able to attend.  Here is some information:

For both of these field trips, we will be taking a bus so volunteer drivers are not needed.  You are welcome to meet us at the school and catch the bus with us, or meet us at the locations as well.  If you have younger siblings they may come along for the trip, however, regulations state that they are not allowed on the bus (seems silly, I know)so if you’re bringing a little one, you can just meet us at the locations. 

1)      Thursday September 30th @ the Galt Museum.  The bus departs from MMH @12:30, and returns around 2-:230.  Students will be bringing a lunch to school that day, eating in our classroom, and then we will leave at 12:30 sharp. 

2)      Friday October 15th.  The times are still not confirmed, but it will most likely be somewhere between 9:00- 11:00.  This field trip weather pending because it is outside, as we will be getting a tour of the Galt Gardens with a history lesson about Lethbridge.

Both of these trips correspond with our social curriculum, in particular, “A Community in the Past”. 
Please respond via email if you’re interested in coming to one/ both of these trips!  THANK YOU to those parents who have already responded!

I will be contacting those parents who offered to be Home Reading Helpers later this week to set a schedule, but we are still short helpers for Tuesday, and Wednesday.  This is a 30 minute commitment, that can be done at almost any time of the day.  You would be sitting with students and reading with each one, along with helping them exchange their home reading book.  If you are interested in helping out please contact me asap!

During September, teachers at MMH usually try and contact the parents at least once to quickly discuss how things are going/ how their student has been settling in their new grade.  I'm looking forward to briefly speaking with you all, as I've been getting to know your little ones.  We have LOTS of personality in Grade 2E and I just know this is a fantastic start to a new year. 

Thank you very much!!

Anna Tsentouros

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