Friday, June 3, 2011

June Happenings!

Friday already!? Goodness where has the week gone!
I may or may not have had more fun than the students did on our field trip to the Southern Alberta Art’s Gallery.  It was such a treat to be able to see amazing art work from all over our School District, and to learn more about an Art gallery in general. I was really impressed at how well our students behaved and how focused and on task they were throughout the morning.  Thanks to those parents who were able to come out and drive- without you these trips would not be possible!! 

While I’m thanking parents...Thank you to those volunteers who are able to come and help out for our June activities!  We have swimmers for June 9th, and walkers and a driver for our Boat Launch on June 16th! 
We are currently looking for Sports Day Volunteers- which is always SUCH a blast! This is a combined Grades 1 and 2 activity, and there are about 10 different stations set up outside for kids. Our class will be travelling to each of the stations.  We require 2 volunteers to stay at 1 station, and run that station for the morning and afternoon time slots, which are 10:00-11:30 and 1:00-2:15.  If you, or another family member are able to come and help please email me as soon as possible!  Remember, for any of our field trips: the more the merrier!! Thank you!
We played on this website today as a class, and the students really enjoyed it!
 It’s a great way to review our Geometry skills for our assessment next week- Note to parents! There are some terms on this site that they do NOT have to know in Grade 2 (such as quadrilateral, octagon, hexagon, and pentagon) but we did talk about what they mean, as it will help them advance to the next level of the game at the end.  In Grade 2, they should have a good understanding of the following 3D objects: Sphere, Cylinder, Cube, Cone, Pyramid. They should also be able to describe these objects by discussing how many ‘faces’, the shape of the face, how many points or vertices, and how many edges.  For example: A pyramid has a square face on the bottom, and 4 triangular faces on the sides. These triangles meet at the top to make a point.  A pyramid has 5 edges, and 5 vertices all together. 
I’m sure you’ve heard from your Grade 2 student about our new GIANT bundle of ‘joy’.  Trust me, I had almost given up hope on them but to everyone’s surprise, at approx. 9:10am on Thursday, June 2nd, Grade 2E became the proud parents of approx. 400 baby praying mantis! The egg broke while the students were in Music class, so I ran to get them and Ms. Nevels and Mrs. Kubik joined us to witness the miracle.  We called Mr. Bryant to tell him he’d become a Grandpa, then hosted some visiting hours to our friends in preschool and other grades.    Now, even though I am not the biggest fan of any kind of bug, and had the “heebee jeebies” all day, I’m really happy that they got to see this part of the life cycle, as it’s a great introduction to our next unit which will tie into our Language Arts and Science curriculum for the remainder of the year:  Bugs! We know that our praying mantis don’t have a very long life to live in Lethbridge.  So rather than have them pass away in our tank, we decided to give them a proper send off underneath a beautiful tree behind the playground and past the path.  Overall, it was a VERY exciting morning in room 10 J 

How they came out of the egg

A few of the 400

"Smile!  They hatched!"

"Now look like Miss Tsentouros did when she found them!"

Bringing them back to nature

Hope you have a great weekend- Thanks for reading!
-Anna Tsentouros
Don’t forget these important dates!
Tuesday June 7th- Parent Appreciation Pancake Breakfast! Bring the family and come enjoy some pancakes in the morning from 7:00- 8:15. 
Tuesday June 7th- Spirit Assembly at 12:45
Tuesday June 9th- Swimming at Nic Sheran! Depart at 8:40, return at 10:30. 
Thursday June 16th- Grade 2 Boat Launch Day! 8:45- 1:30 at Nic Sheran Lake and Spray Park
Tuesday June 21st- Sports Day!
Wednesday June 22nd- Pow Wow Celebration at Nicholas Sheran
Monday June 27th- Farewell Assembly 9-10, Grade 2 picnic at Henderson Lake 1030- 2:15
Tuesday June 28th- Last day of Grade 2!  Year End Assembly at 9:45, students dismissed at 11:45

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