Monday, February 4, 2013

Hi Everyone!
Wow February already?!  Here we go!

A big THANK YOU to all the parents who were able to help prepare for our "The One and Only Ivan" project of making stuffies! Also to those who could come and help students stitch their stuffies together. They look SO AWESOME hanging in the hallway, and the kids are just so proud of them.  The hardest part of it all was getting them to let me hang them for 2 weeks, as they wanted to take them home right away!  Also thank you to those who donated fabric to help make it happen! I am so sad that 3 Schools 1 Book is going to be over! What a huge project all around for all the schools to take on.  Of course, non of it would be possible without your support in reading it to your families!  

Mr. Bryant is intersted in any comments you might have about the entire 3 School 1 Book project! If you have anything you'd like to share, you can email them to me OR send them directly to him:

Before we close our "Ivan" activities, our Grade 1 class will be writing letters to our PenPal Grade 1 class at Nicholas Sheran Community School.  Also, on Wednesday February 6th, we will be meeting with our MMH Families to talk about Friendship, and all the different friendships that occured in the novel.  That assembly is at 10:30, with time with our famillies afterwards.  Then, after hot lunch (phewf! Busy day!!), we will go on a Winter Gorilla Walk!

What's a Winter Gorilla Walk?  Good question!!  Usually we have a Winter Walk just for fun as a whole school just to get out and and enjoy the fresh air to promote physical activity even on winter days.  We're combining this with our "Ivan" project, and theming in as "Gorilla!" We'll be carrying signs promoting friendship and kindess, and marching around the playground and surrouding park.  Students are encouraged to wear any kind of 'fuzzy' or 'animal' gear they might have. Perhaps a pair of ears, or fuzzy mittens, anything really!  Our Winter Gorilla Walk will be on Wednesday February 6th right after the lunch hour.

We are inviting all families to come take a walk around MMH's bulletin boards anytime on Wednesday Feb. 6th-7th, to see all the amazing art inspired by the novel.  If you can take a quick stroll in the morning, or after school, I promise it's worth it! Our students from Preschool to Grade 5 did such an amazing job with the project, and it's totally worth it to see!

Now if that isn't busy enough, then there's next week!

On Monday February 11th, the students will watch a special presentation about a program called Hair Massacure.  A note will be going home on Monday about this special project that's in partnership with Save On Foods.  The assembly will be from 2-2:30. 

On Wednesday, our class is going to visit HOME HARDWARE! HH is one of my favourite stores on the west side, although that's not why we're going!  We're going to help us kick off our BUILDING THINGS unit in Science! If you have ANY toilet paper tubes, paper towel tubes, cardboard, styrofoam shoeboxes, etc that are collecting space in your recycyling, we'll GLADLY take them off your hands! Feel free to send it to school, and we'll use them to practice buidling towers, bridges, hinges, and other things in this super fun hands on unit! 

Thanks to the following parents who have volunteered to drive us to HH on February 13th from 2-3pm:

Tony Deys, Christina Spooner, Karmyn Hagel, Tyler Fallwell, and Jamie Westlund.

Thursday February 14th we'll celebrate Valentine's Day with the class!  We'll have different activities throughout the day, and a spirit assembly in the afternoon (12:30).  Students are encouraged to dress in RED, and bring Valentine's to hand out to their classmates.   I've also heard from Ms. Nevels that the Grade 1s will be performing a song they've been practising in music. If you're able to come and watch them sing, please meet us in the gym at 12:30. 

Currently we have 19 students, but we are expecting 1 more to come sometime this week!  The students don't know this yet, but we'll be welcoming a boy named Cowan in our room very shortly! That brings our grand total up to 20. Here is a list of our students if you're helping them make valentines:



Ms. Renner
Ms. Nevels

And finally, on Friday February 15th, we'll celebrating the 100th day of school with the Grade 2s in the gym all morning. This is a center based day where students go around and complete different centers all about the number 100!

Thanks to Krystyn Jahn and Christina Spooner who are going to help us out by running centers.  I still need 1 more parent to help out so if anyone is available let me know asap!

Last but not least, this project is COMPLETELY voluntary, but I will be challenging any student that wants to build something out of 100 things, to bring it in to show on Friday February 15th!  Maybe a tower out of 100 popsicle sticks? Or a sculpture from 100 cotton balls?! I'm sure the possibilities are endless! This is a project to be completed voluntarily at home, and then brought in to show the class (I know what you're thinking, geeez thanks Miss T!  but judging by the group we have, I bet there's a ton of kids who could do this completely on their own!!)

Okay I think I've caught us all up now!  Thanks for reading!
-Anna Tsentouros

Wed. February 6th- Hot Lunch, Family Assembly, Gorilla Walk
Wed. February 6th -7th- Art Walk around MMH
Friday February 8th- P.L Day for teachers, No School for students
Monday February 11th- Hair Massacure presentation @ 2:05
Wednesday February 13th- Home Hardware Field trip @ 2:00

Thursday February 14th- Valentine's Day
Thursday February 14th- Spirit Assembly @ 12:30- Wear red
Friday February 15th- 100TH DAY OF SCHOOL celebration
February 18th- 22nd- Family Break No school for Students
Wednesday February 27th- Pink Shirt Day Anti bullying campaign

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