Tuesday, April 21, 2015

In Language Arts, we have begun looking at different Fairy tales! We will be reading all kinds of fairy tales, comparing/ contrasting different versions, talking about our favourite fairy tales.  If you have any at home, try reading them together and see if your student can identify what makes the story a fairy tale. Does it start with “Once upon a time?”  Is it a story from long ago?  Does it have any magic in it? Anything happen in 3s?  See if they can recall facts from the beginning, middle and end. 

In Math, we have started looking at numbers from 1-100.  We will be counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s, and looking at different ways to represent them.  An easy way to practice this, is to take a handful of counters, beads, cereal, buttons, etc and try counting them in different groups. 

In Science, we are wrapping up talking about the season of spring, and will begin looking at Plants!  In Social Studies, we’re looking at Taking Care of our World, which comes at a great time for Earth Day tomorrow! 

Thank you to those students who have already brought in their Caterpillar writing homework regarding important events in your life, as well as your baby pictures.  If you have not yet sent those in, please do so as soon as possible so we can start our guessing games and sharing.  Remember, your child is to present their caterpillar to the class so they should be well versed in reading / explaining the events they’ve chosen.

As we near the end of the year, please keep up with home reading and sight word memorization!  The BEST way to help improve your child’s reading is to ensure they get the 15-20 minute DAILY reading practice.  This is crucial as in the next few weeks we will begin assessing for the final reporting period. 

Thank you to those parents who offered to drive to the Helen Schuler and Arts Alive field trips!  We would not be able to do those activities without your support so thank you in advance for this!

In June, the Grade 1s usually celebrate with a year-end picnic.  The details are still being confirmed, but you should Save the Date for Wednesday, June 24th, and if you and your families are able to join us anytime between 11:30-12:30 on this date, that would be great!

Here are some important dates for your calendars at home:

Friday April 24th- PL Day No School
Tuesday April 28th- Grades 1-3 Hot Lunch
Wednesday April 29th- Grades 4-5 Hot Lunch
Friday May 8th- PL Day, no school
Friday May 15th- Enrichment activities
Monday May 18th- Victoria Day, no school
Thursday May 21st- Beach Day, spirit assembly @ 12:30
Friday May 22nd- Enrichment activities
Wednesday May 27th- GS Lakie band performance @ 8:30
Friday May 29th- Enrichment activities


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